By 1961 Have Gun --
Will Travel had reached the apex of its popularity, ranking #3 in the
Nielsen ratings for the third consecutive season. The only change in the show's
presentation was moving the producing, writing, and directing credits to the
beginning of the episode rather than at the end. But the show was about to
experience a dramatic tumble, as it slipped to #29 in the ratings for the
1961-62 season while Bonanza moved
into the top 3 alongside Wagon Train
and Gunsmoke. The drop is perplexing,
particularly since its lead-in show on CBS for Saturday night changed from the
unranked Checkmate to the #26-ranked
new legal drama The Defenders.
Perhaps part of the show's luster was tarnished by a 3-part TV Guide profile of star and sometime
director Richard Boone in the first 3 January 1961 issues in which author
Richard Gehman described Boone thusly: "Few other stars are so earnestly,
piously, and vehemently hated." Gehman goes on to describe Boone's
complete dominance over every aspect of the program, not only in the selection
of scripts and casting of supporting actors but even down to wardrobe
decisions. Author Gaylan Studlar, in his book about the series for the Wayne
State University Press TV Milestones Series, also describes how Boone shredded
producers who tried to provide any input contrary to his vision, and how he had
many of his series' episodes shot at remote locations to prevent interference.
While his own film crew was quite content with his treatment of them, everyone
else from network executives to guest actors were not as pleased but were
willing to endure him as long as the series was successful. It appears that
Boone fostered an us vs. them dynamic between his regular crew and the rest of
the world, but this would not have affected the loyalty of the show's fans.
Gehman also documents the flip-side of Boone's personality in charitable
appearances in which he was extremely generous and genuinely moved when, for
example, he made an appearance at a children's hospital. And yet there were
other times when he tried to avoid autograph seekers and others who wanted a
piece of his time or a personal connection.
But what was more likely the cause of the show's declining
popularity was Boone's insistence on addressing controversial topics in the
show's plots, particularly America's deep-seated racism. Studlar describes the
networks' and sponsors' aversion to anything controversial that might alienate
any portion of the viewing public. Other westerns of the era would not directly
portray white America's racism against blacks and would generally have few if
any black actors or characters because any interaction with whites could be
construed as some sort of racial commentary. Instead, they dealt with the topic
of racism by showing certain white characters' mistreatment of Chinese,
Mexicans, or Native Americans, all certainly founded in actual events in this
nation's history, but none likely to raise the ire of an entire section of the
country whose ancestors took up arms against their own government.

But Boone returned to deal with the treatment of blacks in
the Season 5 episode "The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs" (November 4, 1961),
an episode that Boone himself directed. Folk singer Odetta, often called
"The Voice of the Civil Rights Movement," guest stars as Sarah Gibbs,
wife of Aaron Gibbs, who is sentenced to die for his role in a payroll robbery
that led to a mine collapse and the death of 13 miners. Paladin comes upon her
on his way back to San Francisco when her old, reliable mule collapses and is
about to die. Paladin is immediately sympathetic to her plight, even taking
over the unpleasant task of putting the mule out of its misery by shooting it,
and then harnesses his horse to her wagon to accompany her to the mining camp
at Dunbar, Oregon. Sarah only wants to see her husband one last time before he
is hanged, but the entire mining community is against it because they did not
get one last visit with the 13 miners before they met their demise. There is
never any overt racism displayed in the mining residents' argument against
Sarah seeing her husband. His two other conspirators are white, but they have no
relations trying to visit them. The marshal is afraid that if he grants her
visit, the community will resort to mob mentality and tear the condemned men
limb from limb, but after Paladin keeps working on him, he eventually relents
and says that he once had a yellow retriever he had to put down and that he
even allowed that dog to see its kin before he shot it. Once again, it is a
deputy who is most vehemently against sympathetic treatment of a black human
being, but the rest of the community witnesses the tender farewell between
Sarah and Aaron, who explains that the mine collapse was an accident and that
while trying to steal the payroll was wrong, it was their dire financial
circumstances that drove him to it. After Aaron is hung, Sarah wants to take his
body back to Georgia to be buried next to their deceased son, but again the
deputy tries to step in and stop her, arguing that he was not afforded the same
courtesy for his brother who was buried in the mine collapse. But none of the
rest of the community will follow his lead, and one of the widows of the miners
gives Sarah her shawl in which to wrap her dead husband's body. Rather than depicting
the senseless tragedy wrought by racism in "Long Way Home," this
episode shows blacks and whites treating each other with empathy, all except
the raging deputy, that is.
While it is pure speculation to suggest that Have Gun -- Will Travel declined in
popularity because it dared to portray blacks sympathetically and hold whites
accountable for their racism, it would be interesting to study whether there
was any correlation between ratings and particular episodes. Studlar has
observed that some southern television stations would refuse to air certain
episodes of any program that they deemed too controversial for their market, so
it is not even certain that these particular episodes aired in the south. There
could have been any number of other reasons why the show's audience fell off in
its last two seasons (it also ranked 29th for 1962-63). Other programs rose and
fell over the course of their tenures for whatever reasons, but none of them
depicted black characters the way Have
Gun -- Will Travel did or addressed racism as bluntly. While Boone may have
had other foibles, his refusal to be cowed by the threat of controversy or the
loss of popularity shows that he was a man of courage.
The entire series has been released on DVD by CBS/Paramount.
The Actors
For the biographies of Richard Boone, Kam Tong, and Lisa Lu,
see the 1960 post for Have Gun -- Will
Notable Guest Stars
Season 4, Episodes 17 & 18, "A Quiet Night in Town,
Parts 1 & 2": Sydney Pollack (shown on the left, directed They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, The
Way We Were, Absence of Malice, Tootsie, and Out of Africa) plays troublemaker Joe Culp. Fredd Wayne (Sgt. Bill
Hollis on Code 3) plays his brother
Ben. Kevin Hagen (John Colton on Yancy
Derringer, Inspector Dobbs Kobick on Land
of the Giants, and Dr. Hiram Baker on Little
House on the Prairie) plays his friend Jory Selzer. James Best (Sheriff
Roscoe P. Coltrane on The Dukes of
Hazzard) plays their friend Ry Smith. Robert Carricart (Pepe Cordoza on T.H.E. Cat) plays sheepherder Joselito
Kincaid. Robert Emhardt (Sgt. Vinton on The
Kids From C.A.P.E.R.) plays restaurateur Ray Remy.
Season 4, Episode 19, "The Princess and the Gunfighter":
Arlene Martel (shown on the right, played Tiger on Hogan's Heroes
and Spock's Vulcan bride on Star Trek)
plays runaway Princess Alisna Sarafina. Shirley O'Hara (Debbie Flett on The Bob Newhart Show) plays her chaperon
Duchess de Bernal. Hal Needham (Hollywood's highest-paid stuntman who invented
numerous stunt devices, was a double for Richard Boone and Burt Reynolds, and
directed Smokey and the Bandit, Hooper, and Cannonball Run) plays one of the princess' two guides.

Season 4, Episode 21, "Long Way Home": Ivan Dixon
(shown on the right, starred in A Raisin in the Sun, Nothing But a Man, and A Patch of Blue and played Sgt. James
Kinchloe on Hogan's Heroes) plays wanted
fugitive Isham Spruce. William Talman (see the biography section for the 1961
post on Perry Mason) plays a sheriff
offering a reward for his capture. Rayford Barnes (see the biography section
for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays his trigger-happy deputy. John Milford (see the
biography section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays bounty hunter Hutton.
Season 4, Episode 22, "Tax Gatherer": Roy Barcroft
(Col. Logan on The Adventures of Spin and
Marty and Roy on Gunsmoke) plays rancher
Lewt Cutter. Harry Carey, Jr. (shown on the near left, starred
in Red River, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Mister
Roberts, and The Searchers and
played Bill Burnett on The Adventures of
Spin and Marty) plays cattle rustler Jess Turner. Hal Needham (shown on the far left, see
"The Princess and the Gunfighter" above) plays his son Ham. Raymond
Hatton (starred in Oliver Twist
(1916), The Hunchback of Notre Dame,
and Lord Jim, played Marshal Sandy
Hopkins in 28 westerns and Rusty Joslin in 7 other westerns, and played The
Mole on Dick Tracy) plays Mayor
Trevor of Bad Dog. Olan Soule (Aristotle "Tut" Jones on Captain Midnight, Ray Pinker on Dragnet (1952-59), and Fred Springer on Arnie) plays the Hotel Carlton desk

Season 4, Episode 24, "Fandango": Andrew Prine (shown on the left, starred in The Miracle Worker, The
Devil's Brigade, Bandolero!, and Chisum and played Andy Guthrie on The Wide Country, Dr. Roger Helvick on Dr. Kildare, Timothy Pride on The Road West, Dan Costello on W.E.B., and Wayne/Wyatt Donnelly on Weird Science) plays wanted killer Bobby
Olson. Jerry Summers (appeared in Surf
Party, Coogan's Bluff, and Hickey & Boggs and played Ira on The High Chaparral) plays his friend
James Horton. Karl Swenson (Lars Hanson on Little
House on the Prairie) plays their victim's brother Lloyd Petty. Robert Gist
(directed multiple episodes of Peter Gunn,
Naked City, and The Richard Boone Show and was Agnes Moorehead's second husband)
plays Texas Sheriff Ernie Backwater. Rodolfo Acosta (Vaquero on The High Chapparal) plays his deputy
Sanchez. Leonid Kinskey (appeared in Duck
Soup, Les Miserables (1935), Ball of Fire, and Casablanca and played Pierre Quincy on The People's Choice) plays Hotel Carlton guest Yevgeny.
Season 4, Episode 25, "The Last Judgment": Harold
J. Stone (shown on the right, played John Kennedy on The Grand Jury,
Hamilton Greeley on My World and Welcome
to It, and Sam Steinberg on Bridget
Loves Bernie) plays self-appointed judge Elroy Greenleaf. Leo Gordon (Big
Mike McComb on Maverick) plays his deputy
Moley. Robert Stevenson (bartender Big Ed on Richard Drum and Marshal Hugh Strickland on Stagecoach West) plays juror Cutler.
Season 4, Episode 26, "The Gold Bar": John Fiedler
(shown on the left, appeared in 12 Angry Men, That Touch of Mink, The World of Henry Orient, Kiss
Me, Stupid, Girl Happy, The Odd Couple, True Grit and played
Emil Peterson on The Bob Newhart Show
and Woody on Buffalo Bill) plays bank
teller James Turner. Val Avery (appeared in The
Magnificent Seven, Papillon, and Donnie Brasco and played Lt. Al Costello
on East Side/West Side) plays bank
owner B.J. Throckton. Robert Stevenson (see "The Last Judgment"
above) plays a police patrolman.
Season 4, Episode 27, "Everyman": David White (Larry
Tate on Bewitched) plays store owner Cus
Mincus. Barry Kelley (shown on the right, starred in The
Asphalt Jungle, The Manchurian
Candidate, and The Love Bug and
played Mr. Slocum on Pete and Gladys
and Mr. Hergesheimer on Mister Ed) plays
gunfighter killer Danceman. Vic Perrin (was the narrator on Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, was the
control voice on The Outer Limits,
and did voicework on Jonny Quest, Star Trek, Scooby Doo, Where Are You?, and Mission:
Impossible!) plays drunkard Philpotts. Roy Engel (Doc Martin on Bonanza, the police chief on My Favorite Martian, and President
Ulysses S. Grant on The Wild, Wild West)
plays the Temple City sheriff.
Season 4, Episode 28, "The Siege": Robert Karnes (see
"Shadow of a Man" above) plays Phoenix-area rancher Ezekial Tyler. Perry
Lopez (starred in Mister Roberts, Taras Bulba, Kelly's Heroes, and Chinatown
and played Joaquin Castaneda on Zorro)
plays captured outlaw Bobby Joe Brent. Mike Kellin (see "Shadow of a
Man" above) plays his brother Alvah. Hal Smith (shown on the left, see the biography section
for the 1961 post on The Andy Griffith Show) plays mermaid manager Sol Werner.
Season 4, Episode 29, "Long Weekend": Roy Barcroft
(see "Tax Gatherer" above) plays mountain man Shep Montrose. Stephen
Roberts (Stan Peeples on Mr. Novak) plays
Sunshine Creek elder Otis Woodward. Ned Glass (MSgt. Andy Pendleton on The Phil Silvers Show, Sol Cooper on Julia, and Uncle Moe Plotnick on Bridget Loves Bernie) plays fellow elder
Clyde Tatum. Dallas Mitchell (Detective Fisher on The Asphalt Jungle) plays a pool-playing cowhand. Clegg Hoyt (Mac
on Dr. Kildare) plays a bartender. Ralph
Moody (see the biography section for the 1961 post on The Rifleman) plays Montrose's father-in-law-to-be Valentine
Season 4, Episode 30, "El Paso Stage": Jeremy
Slate (starred in The Sons of Katie Elder,
The Devil's Brigade, and True Grit and played Larry Lahr on The Aquanauts) plays legal scholar Frank
DeWitt. Karl Swenson (see "Fandango" above) plays his saloon owner
father Sam. Buddy Ebsen (shown on the right, played Sgt. Hunk Marriner on Northwest Passage, Jed Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies, Barnaby Jones on Barnaby Jones, and Roy Houston on Matt Houston) plays Bracketville Marshal Elmo Crane. Hank Patterson
(Fred Ziffel on Green Acres and Petticoat Junction and Hank on Gunsmoke) plays Frank's friend Judge
Season 4, Episode 31, "Duke of Texas": Scott
Marlowe (shown on the left, played Nick Koslo on Executive Suite,
Eric Brady on Days of Our Lives, and
Michael Burke on Valley of the Dolls)
plays Austrian Price Franz von Pishin. Eduard Franz (starred in The Thing From Another World, Lady Godiva of Coventry, The Jazz Singer (1952), Sins of Jezebel, and The Indian Fighter and played Gregorio
Verdugo on Zorro and Dr. Edward
Raymer on Breaking Point) plays his
advisor Ludwig Donner. Robert Carricart (see "A Quiet Night in Town"
above) plays fake Mexican General Pablo Mendez. Roberto Contreras (Pedro on The High Chapparal) plays one of his
supposed soldiers.
Season 4, Episode 32, "Broken Image": Kenneth
Tobey (shown on the right, starred in The Thing From Another
World, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms,
and It Came From Beneath the Sea and
played Chuck Martin on Whirlybirds
and Russ Conway on I Spy) plays Bog
Oak town hero Tim Decker. Johnny Eimen (Monk on McKeever and the Colonel) plays his son Larry. Hal Needham (see
"The Princess and the Gunfighter" above) plays the Bradley Gang
Season 4, Episode 33, "Brother's Keeper": Karl
Swenson (see "Fandango" above) plays the Prairie Orchard sheriff. Wright
King (see the biography section for the 1960 post on Wanted Dead or Alive) plays the town bartender Cull. Betsy Jones-Moreland
(Judge Elinor Harrelson in 7 Perry Mason
TV movies) plays his girlfriend Topaz. Ed Nelson (Michael Rossi on Peyton Place and Ward Fuller on The Silent Force) plays telegrapher Rack.
Season 4, Episode 34, "Bearbait": Martin West (starred
in Freckles, The Man From Galveston, and Lord
Love a Duck and played Dr. Phil Brewer on General Hospital and Don Hughes on As the World Turns) plays wild ranch hand Bunk Commerson. Judi
Meredith (shown on the left, played Bonnie Sue McAfee on The George
Burns and Gracie Allen Show and The
George Burns Show, Monique Devereaux on Hotel
de Paree, and Betty Cramer on Ben
Casey) plays waitress Sally. Ralph Reed (see the biography section for the
1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays Commerson's friend Burt. Richard Rust (Hank Tabor on Sam Benedict) plays Commerson's friend
Sim. Frank Ferguson (Gus Broeberg on My
Friend Flicka, Eli Carson on Peyton
Place, and Dr. Barton Stuart on Petticoat
Junction) plays their boss Kincaid. Stephen Roberts (see "Long
Weekend" above) plays the Deerfield sheriff.
Season 4, Episode 35, "The Cure": Norma Crane (shown on the right, appeared
in Tea and Sympathy, They Call Me Mr. Tibbs!, and Fiddler on the Roof and played Rayola
Dean on Mister Peepers) plays renowned
trick shooter Martha Jane Conroy, aka Calamity Jane. Olan Soule (see "Tax
Gatherer" above) plays hotel manager McGinnis. Craig Duncan (Sgt.
Stanfield/Banfield on Mackenzie's Raiders)
plays a bartender.
Season 4, Episode 36, "The Road": George Kennedy (shown on the left, starred
in Charade, The Sons of Katie Elder, The
Dirty Dozen, Cool Hand Luke, and The Naked Gun and played MP Sgt. Kennedy
on The Phil Silvers Show, Father
Samuel Cavanaugh on Sarge, Bumper
Morgan on The Blue Knight, and Carter
McKay on Dallas) plays sleeping camp
owner Preston. Trevor Bardette (see the biography section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays
prospector Fred Hensoe. Joel Crothers (Lt. Nathan Forbes on Dark Shadows, Julian Cannell on Somerset, Dr. Miles Cavanugh on The Edge of Night, and Jack Stanfield
Lee on Santa Barbara) plays his son
John. Perry Cook (Barney Udall on Hunter)
plays his colleague Sibley. Gene Lyons (Commander Dennis Randall on Ironside) plays scavenger Merton. Hal
Needham (see "The Princess and the Gunfighter" above) plays one of
his accomplices.
Season 4, Episode 37, "The Uneasy Grave": Pippa
Scott (shown on the near right, see the biography section for the 1960 post on Mr. Lucky) plays recent widow Kathy Rousseau. Werner Klemperer (shown on the far right, starred
in Five Steps to Danger, Operation Eichmann, and Judgment at Nuremberg and played Col.
Klink on Hogan's Heroes) plays her
husband's killer Leander Johnson. Shirley O'Hara (see "The Princess and
the Gunfighter" above) plays one of Johnson's defenders. William Bryant
(McCall on Combat!, President Ulysses
S. Grant on Branded, Col. Crook on Hondo, Lt. Shilton on Switch, and the Director on The Fall Guy) plays a man standing on
the street who gives Paladin directions.
Season 4, Episode 38, "Soledad Crossing": Ken
Curtis (shown on the left, see the biography section for the 1961 post on Ripcord) plays farmer Tom Strickland. Walker Edmiston (Enik on Land of the Lost and voiced Dr. Blinkey
and Orson Vulture on H.R. Pufnstuf,
Admiral Scuttlebutt, Bela, and Big Chief Sitting Duck on Lidsville, Sebastian on Dumbo's
Circus, and Sir Thornberry on Adventures
of the Gummi Bears) plays hangman Phineas Gaunt.
Season 5, Episode 1, "The Vigil": Mary Fickett (Sally
Smith and Dr. Karen Lovell on The Edge of
Night, Liz Thorpe on The Nurses,
and Ruth Martin on All My Children)
plays nurse Adella Ligget. George Kennedy (see "The Road" above)
plays murder suspect Deke.
Season 5, Episode 2, "The Education of Sarah Jane":
Duane Eddy (shown on the right, popular guitar instrumentalist with hits like "Rebel
Rouser," "Shazam," and "Ramrod") plays family feuder
Carter Whitney. Peggy Rhea (Rose Burton on The
Waltons, Lulu Hogg on The Dukes of
Hazzard, Ivy Baker on Step by Step,
and Jean Kelly on Grace Under Fire)
plays the Hotel Carlton charlady.
Season 5, Episode 3, "The Revenger": Tom Conway (see
the biography section for the 1960 post on The Betty Hutton Show) plays safari hunter Commodore Newcombe. Shug Fisher (see
the biography section for the 1961 post on Ripcord)
plays insurance salesman Altman. Rayford Barnes (see the biography section for
the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays convicted killer Jelly. Harry Carey, Jr. (see "Tax Gatherer" above) plays his escort Sheriff Conlon. Russell Arms (vocalist who
regularly appeared on Your Hit Parade)
plays former army major Ralph Turner. Bud Osborne (played stagecoach drivers in
dozens of westerns and in episodes of The
Cisco Kid, Annie Oakley, The Range Rider, Hopalong Cassidy, The Lone
Ranger, The Adventures of Wild Bill
Hickok, The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin,
Rescue 8, Zorro, Bronco, Law of the Plainsman, Johnny Ringo, Cheyenne, The Texan, Maverick, and Rawhide) plays their stagecoach driver.
Season 5, Episode 4, "Odds for Big Red": Hope
Holliday (sister of Judy Holliday, appeared in The Apartment, The Ladies Man,
Irma la Douce, and The Rounders) plays saloon owner Big Red.
Virginia Capers (shown on the left, Tony Award winner, appeared in Lady Sings the Blues, Trouble
Man, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off
and played Delia Bonner on Downtown,
Bertha Griffin-Lamour on Frank's Place,
and Hattie Banks on The Fresh Prince of
Bel-Air) plays saloon girl Ada. Richard Ney (appeared in Mrs. Miniver, Joan of Arc, Ivy, and Midnight Lace) plays gambler Guy Fremont.
Robert Karnes (see "Shadow of a Man" above) plays card player Vern
Potter. Perry Cook (see "The Road" above) plays card player Ernie.
Season 5, Episode 5, "A Proof of Love": Charles
Bronson (shown on the right, starred in The Magnificent Seven,
The Dirty Dozen, Once Upon a Time in the West, The
Valachi Papers, and four Death Wish
movies and played Mike Kovac on Man With a Camera, Paul Moreno on Empire,
and Linc Murdock on The Travels of Jamie
McPheeters) plays lovesick Henry Gray. Shirley O'Hara (see "The
Princess and the Gunfighter" above) plays his mother. George Kennedy (see
"The Road" above) plays his rival Rud Saxon. Jack Marshall (see the
soundtrack paragraph in the 1960 post on The Deputy) plays a banjo player.
Season 5, Episode 6, "The Gospel Singer": John
McLiam (appeared in Cool Hand Luke, In Cold Blood, Sleeper, The Missouri Breaks,
and First Blood) plays Bugbear Mayor
Harper. Roy Engel (see "Everyman" above) plays leading citizen Barber.
Noah Keen (Det. Lt. Carl Bone on Arrest
and Trial) plays gang leader Harry Durbin. Ed Peck (Officer Clark on The Super and Officer Kirk on Happy Days) plays Durbin henchman Sims.
Season 5, Episode 7, "The Race": Ben Johnson (shown on the left, starred
in Shane, The Wild Bunch, Chisum,
and The Getaway and played Sleeve on The Monroes) plays ranch owner Sam
Crabbe. Michael Pate (starred in Face to
Face, Julius Caesar, Hondo, and Tower of London and played Chief Vittoro on Hondo and Det. Sgt. Vic Maddern on Matlock) plays Indian Chief Tamasun.
Season 5, Episode 8, "The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs":
Odetta (shown on the right, folk singer and civil rights activist known as "The Voice of the
Civil Rights Movement") plays wife of convicted man Sarah Gibbs. Rupert
Crosse (appeared in Shadows, Too Late Blues, and The Reivers and played Det. George Robinson on The Partners) plays her husband Aaron Jedidiah Gibbs. Roy Barcroft
(see "Tax Gatherer" above) plays the Dunbar marshal. Barry Cahill (Capt.
Curt Douglas on 12 O'Clock High and
Buck Vernon on The Waltons) plays Gibbs
accomplice Perrell. Hal Needham (see "The Princess and the
Gunfighter" above) plays Gibbs accomplice Turner. Peggy Rea (see "The
Education of Sarah Jane" above) plays a sympathetic widow.
Season 5, Episode 9, "The Piano": Keith Andes (shown on the left, starred
in Project X, Clash by Night, and The Girl
Most Likely and played Col. Frank Dawson on This Man Dawson, Keith Granville on Glynis, and voiced Birdman on Birdman)
plays world renowned pianist Franz Lister. Antoinette Bower (Fox Devlin on Neon Rider) plays his girlfriend Sybil
Lansing. Arny Freeman (brother of saxophonist Bud Freeman, played Lucius Minnow
on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman) plays his
manager Freddie. Richard Reeves (Mr. Murphy on Date With the Angels) plays barfly Jerris. Roy Engel (see
"Everyman" above) plays the piano thief.
Season 5, Episode 10, "Ben Jalisco": Charles
Bronson (see "A Proof of Love" above) plays ex-con bounty hunter Ben
Jalisco. Coleen Gray (shown on the right, starred in Kiss of
Death, Nightmare Alley, The Killing, The Vampire, The Leech Woman,
and The Phantom Planet and played
Muriel Clifford on McCloud) plays his
wife Lucy. John Litel (starred in Back in
Circulation, On Trial, Murder in the Blue Room, four Nancy Drew
films, and eight Henry Aldrich films and played the Governor on Zorro and Dan Murchison on Stagecoach West) plays her protector
Sheriff John Armstedder.
Season 5, Episode 11, "The Brothers": Peggy
Stewart (starred in Oregon Trail, Son of Zorro, and Desert Vigilante and played Cherien's mother on The Riches) plays vengeful widow Edna
Raleigh. Buddy Ebsen (see "El Paso Stage" above) plays her husband's
killer Bram Holden. Paul Hartman (shown on the left, played Albie Morrison on The Pride of the Family, Charlie on Our Man Higgins, Emmett Clark on The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry
R.F.D., and Bert Smedley on Petticoat
Junction) plays prospector Possum Corbin. Hal Needham (see "The
Princess and the Gunfighter" above) plays a Holden henchman.
Season 5, Episode 12, "A Drop of Blood": Martin
Gabel (starred in The Thief, Marnie, and Lady in Cement) plays Jewish rancher Nathan Shotness. Mike Kellin (see
"Shadow of a Man" above) plays his future son-in-law Faivel Melamed. Milton
Selzer (shown on the right, played Parker on Get Smart, Jake
Winkelman on The Harvey Korman Show,
Abe Werkfinder on The Famous Teddy Z,
and Manny Henry on Valley of the Dolls)
plays their rabbi Reb Elya. Noah Keen (see "The Gospel Singer" above)
plays Shotness antagonist Billy Buckstone. Snub Pollard (prolific silent-movie
comic actor who appeared in Keystone Cops comedies, dozens of Harold Lloyd
shorts, Laurel and Hardy and Andy Clyde shorts, a series of his own shorts, and
as Tex Ritter's sidekick Pee Wee in several 1930s westerns) plays a messenger.
Season 5, Episode 13, "A Knight to Remember": Hans
Conried (shown on the left, see the biography section for the 1960 post on Rocky and His Friends) plays quixotic estate owner Don Esteban
Gutierrez Caloca. Wright King (see "Brother's Keeper" above) plays his
son Alejandro. Lane Chandler (see "Ben Jalisco" above) plays landlord
Bender. Robert Carricart (see "A Quiet Night in Town" above) plays his
Indian worker Dirty Dog. Susan Brown (Nancy Pollock Karr on The Edge of Night, Martha Ferguson on Bright Promise, Constance MacKenzie
Carson on Return to Peyton Place,
Maggie Malone on Mariah, Adelaide
Fitzgibbon on As the World Turns,
Dorothy Lane on Santa Barbara, and
Gail Baldwin on General Hospital)
plays Paladin's love interest.
Season 5, Episode 14, "Blind Circle": Hank
Patterson (shown on the right, see "El Paso Stage" above) plays hit man Jess Larker. Gerald
Gordon (Dr. Nick Bellini on The Doctors,
Felix Morger on Highcliffe Manor, and
Skip Franklin on Valerie) plays Cattlemen's
Association president Hughes. Woody Chambliss (Captain Tom on Yancy Derringer and Lathrop on Gunsmoke) plays his associate McCormack.
Ellen Atterbury (wife of Malcolm Atterbury, played Mrs. Bixby on Wagon Train) plays boarding house owner
Mrs. Madison. Bob Jellison (Waldo Binney on The
Life of Riley and Bobby the Bellboy on I
Love Lucy) plays one of her clients Mr. Parsons.
Season 5, Episode 15, "The Kid": Jacques Aubuchon
(starred in The Silver Chalice, The Big Boodle, and The Love God? and played Chief Urulu on McHale's Navy) plays slacker Moriarity. Flip Mark (shown on the left, played Flip Rogers on Lassie, Brook Hooten on Guestward Ho!, and Larry Walker on Fair Exchange) plays his son Silver
Strike. Roy Engel (see "Everyman" above) plays bartender Rudy.
Eleanor Audley (Mother Eunice Douglas on Green
Acres and Mrs. Vincent on My Three Sons) plays a school teacher.
Season 5, Episode 16, "Squatters Rights": Warren
Stevens (shown on the right, starred in The Frogmen, The Barefoot Contessa, Deadline U.S.A., and Forbidden Planet, played Lt. William
Storm on Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers,
and was the voice of John Bracken on Bracken's
World) plays cattle rancher Costigan. Carlos Romero (Rico Rodriguez on Wichita Town, Romero Serrano on Zorro, and Carlo Agretti on Falcon Crest) plays his scout Juan
Quintos. Robert Stevenson (see "The Last Judgment" above) plays squatter
Clemenceau. Hal Needham (see "The Princess and the Gunfighter" above)
plays Costigan henchman Sim. Sandy Kenyon (Des Smith on Crunch and Des, Shep Baggott on The
Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, and Reverend Kathrun on Knots Landing) plays cattle rustler Jeb Turner.
Richard Boone was always at odds with the executives and they resented him as the years passed. Look up his later series Hec Ramsey and read about how he clashed with network brass. Yeah he was kind of difficult but he stood for truth , compassion, and justice.