By the time 1961 rolled around The Cheyenne Show consisted of the rotating dramas Cheyenne, Sugarfoot, and Bronco and
was still a top 30-rated program, just making the cut at #28 for the 1960-61
season. But changes were afoot. Though star Clint Walker had returned to work
after staging a one-man strike over his unfavorable contract during the 1958-59
season, which resulted in Warner Brothers creating the Bronco series to replace him, Walker already felt his titular role
had been played out and was causing him to be typecast, according to Tim Brooks
and Earle F. Marsh's The Complete
Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present. But since
the series was still a ratings winner, Warner Brothers had no interest in
changing anything. Sugarfoot was another
matter: though it had placed in the top 30 its first two seasons, by 1961 it
had fallen out of the ratings. Perhaps to goose interest in the series' lead
character, Warner Brothers staged the crossover episode "Duel at Judas
Basin," which aired January 30, 1961, with all three stars working
together to scope out and shut down an illegal operation running guns to the
Indians. Since the episode aired under the Cheyenne
banner, his character is the main hero with the other two acting in supporting
roles. Bronco Layne at first appears to be an antagonist in cahoots with the
gun runners until we learn that he is actually working undercover as a U.S.
marshal. But Sugarfoot comes off as the weakest of the three, getting set up as
the fall guy for a murder and thrown into jail, which requires Cheyenne
breaking him out, and then basically hiding amongst a group of cattle drovers
Cheyenne is leading until the latter lures the gun runners to his camp for a
final shootout. If this episode was intended to renew interest in Sugarfoot, it sure didn't do much to
make the title character appear heroic, and the series was canceled at the end
of the 1960-61 season.

But while Cheyenne's character and wandering lifestyle seem
a bit foreign to the modern viewer, the series occasionally delves into
relevant themes that are still apropos today. The last episode of Season 5,"The
Greater Glory" (May 15, 1961), explores the topic of religious faith in a
manner that initially surprises even if the episode ultimately settles for a
pat resolution. This is the episode in which Cheyenne gets involved in a fight
over ranch land that might contain silver and gold simply by wandering onto the
owner's property looking for a meal. He is met by the owner's wife Mary Wiley
pointing a shotgun at him because she at first suspects that he is part of the
gang who caused a cattle stampede that has gravely injured her husband in the
hopes that it will force him to give up his land to his greedy mortgage holder.
Once she determines that she can trust Cheyenne, Mary explains that she and her
husband are Mormons who not only need to sell their cattle herd to earn enough
to pay off their mortgage but they also believe they must have their marriage
certified in the Mormon temple in Salt Lake City for them to be able to spend
eternity together in heaven. Even though her husband is severely injured and is
in no condition to travel, Mary's faith tells her they must make the journey
and put themselves in the Lord's hands in order to enjoy eternal happiness. The
surprise is that Cheyenne is the skeptic despite his heroic status in the
series. He finds it particularly hard to believe that the antagonists who tried
to kill her husband and continue to plague them on their journey in order to
prevent them from making the last mortgage payment on time are also God's
children. But then the story takes a turn to the ridiculous as they stumble
upon an injured Indian and help him return to his tribe, which then intervenes
twice on their behalf when it appears the antagonists are going to stop them.
And while Cheyenne is off fending off the antagonists, Billy the Kid rides up
to Mary in her wagon and at first plans to rob her but seeing that she is
transporting her injured husband has pity on her, joins Cheyenne in keeping the
villains at bay, and winds up accompanying them on the rest of their journey.
Of course Mary interprets these coincidences as evidence of divine
intervention, while Cheyenne and Billy at first consider them highly unusual
but eventually conclude that one should never doubt Mary. Not that the
producers intended to have Cheyenne undergo a religious conversion, but it is
interesting to note that in the second episode of Season 6, "Trouble
Street" (October 2, 1961), Cheyenne is carrying a mini Bible on his
person, which comes in handy as a place to hide money he uses to bail himself
out of jail.

The viewer also is given a head fake in the ostensible
origin story "Legacy of the Lost" (December 4, 1961, which appears to
amend Cheyenne's backstory we discussed in our post for the 1960 episodes,
particularly "The Long Rope" (September 26, 1960). The original story
is that Cheyenne's parents were murdered by Indians but he was taken in by the
Cheyenne tribe (thus his name) and raised until he was rescued and adopted by
the Pierce family. But in "Legacy of the Lost" he is sought out by detective
Dennis Carter hired by the ultra wealthy Abbott family to prove that Cheyenne
is the presumed dead eldest son John, whose father was not killed in the
massacre that took his mother. Carter even has Cheyenne return to the Cheyenne
chief who saved and raised him, White Cloud, to confirm salient details and
give to him a locket worn by young John Abbott when he was supposed to have
been killed. Cheyenne is then able to win over the Abbott patriarch Lionel, who
welcomes his long lost son home to inherit his vast estate and enterprises to
the apparent dismay of his second son James, who Lionel has always berated as
weak and inferior to the lost boy. Only the whole set-up is a hoax initiated by
James to exorcise the ghost of his lost brother by bringing him back to life,
having his father accept him, and then having Carter assassinate him in the
hopes that his father would then finally value his lone remaining son James.
The plan gets messed up when James actually comes to like John/Cheyenne, who is
sympathetic to his troubles, and tries to call off the hit by Carter, who is
having none of it because he knows James can't pay him his agreed-upon fee of
$50,000 unless he inherits his father's estate. We also learn that White Cloud
was in on the fix with the promise that his tribe would have a sizable parcel
of land returned to them if he helped convince Cheyenne that he was Abbott's
son. The episode also ends ambiguously with Cheyenne trying to reconcile the
lifelong adversaries Lionel Abbott and White Cloud, each of whom have killed
members of the other's family, but after Cheyenne arranges them meeting each
other face to face for the first time, Abbott and then White Cloud ride back to
their respective homes without exchanging any meaningful words of truce. The
only thing settled is that Cheyenne
is not going to morph into Bonanza.
Given the trajectory the two shows would take in the next few years, perhaps
Warner Brothers missed a golden opportunity.
The Actors
For the biography of Clint Walker, see the 1960 post for Cheyenne.
Notable Guest Stars
Season 5, Episode 6, "Incident at Dawson Flats":
Jock Gaynor (Deputy Marshal Heck Martin on Outlaws
and Dr. William Scott on The Doctors)
plays Cheyenne's friend Johnny McIntyre. Joan O'Brien (shown on the left, starred in Operation Petticoat, The Alamo, It Happened at the World's Fair,
and It'$ Only Money) plays his
fiancé Selma Dawson. Morris Ankrum (starred in Rocketship X-M, Invaders From
Mars, Earth vs. The Flying Saucers,
and The Giant Claw and played the
judge 22 times on Perry Mason) plays
her father Cyrus. Hampton Fancher (Deputy Lon Gillis on Black Saddle and co-wrote the screenplay and was executive producer
on Blade Runner) plays her brother
Jasper. Gerald Mohr (narrator on 19 episodes of The Lone Ranger, Christopher Storm on Foreign Intrigue, voice of Mr. Fantastic and Reed Richards on Fantastic 4) plays her former suitor
Elmer Bostrum. Mort Mills (Marshal Frank Tallman on Man Without a Gun, Sgt. Ben Landro on Perry Mason, and Sheriff Fred Madden on The Big Valley) plays Dawson Flats Sheriff Ed Graves. Grady Sutton
(see the biography section for the 1961 post on Lawman) plays the town photographer.
Season 5, Episode 7, "Duel at Judas Basin": Ty
Hardin (see the biography section for the 1960 post on Bronco) plays undercover federal marshal Bronco Layne. Will
Hutchins (see the biography section for the 1960 post on Sugarfoot) plays surveyor Tom "Sugarfoot" Brewster. Alan
Caillou (Jason Flood on Tarzan and
The Head on Quark) plays rancher Ian
Stewart. Max Baer, Jr. (shown on the right, played Jethro and Jethrine Bodine on The Beverly Hillbillies) plays cattle drover Pete. Phil Tully (Charlie
the bartender on The Deputy) plays cattle
drover Ben. Clyde Howdy (Hank Whitfield on Lassie)
plays an unnamed cattle drover. Sheldon Allman (Norm Miller on Harris Against the World) plays trading
post owner Charlie Lutz. Ken Mayer (Maj. Robbie Robertson on Space Patrol) plays his brother Hank. Jacques
Aubuchon (starred in The Silver Chalice,
The Big Boodle, and The Love God? and played Chief Urulu on McHale's Navy) plays trader Pike Hanson.
Ed Prentiss (the narrator on Trackdown
and played Carl Jensen on The Virginian)
plays Fort Benton commander Major Grant. Terry Frost (Sgt. Bruce
Moore/Morse/Morris on Highway Patrol)
plays Judas Basin Sheriff Hoag.
Season 5, Episode 8, "The Return of Mr. Grimm": R.G.
Armstrong (shown on the left, played Police Capt. McAllister on T.H.E.
Cat and Lewis Vendredi on Friday the
13th) plays mine owner Nathaniel Grimm. Myron Healey (Doc Holliday on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays
foreman Wesley Mason. Sherwood Price (Gen. Jeb Stuart on The Gray Ghost) plays Grimm gunman Hardy Russell. Maurice Manson (Frederick
Timberlake on Dennis the Menace, Josh
Egan on Hazel, and Hank Pinkham on General Hospital) plays Mayor Stanley. Stephen
Roberts (Stan Peeples on Mr. Novak)
plays Judge Miller. Jericho Brown (popular singer married to Pamela Baird)
plays Grimm gunman Red. Anita Sands (later became astrologer to the stars and a
self-help guru) plays saloon girl Grace Evans. Orville Sherman (Mr. Feeney on Buckskin, Wib Smith on Gunsmoke, and Tupper on Daniel Boone) plays Grimm's attorney
Robert Garrison.
Season 5, Episode 9, "The Beholden": Don Megowan (Captain
Huckabee on The Beachcomber) plays Winslow
Marshal Tom Grant. Patrice Wymore (appeared in She's Working Her Way Through College, King's Rhapsody, and Ocean's
11 and played Rhoda on Never Too
Young) plays saloon girl Harriet Miller. Robert Foulk (Ed Davis on Father Knows Best, Sheriff Miller on Lassie, Joe Kingston on Wichita Town, Mr. Wheeler on Green Acres, and Phillip Toomey on The Rifleman) plays saloon owner Jake
Scott. John Hubbard (shown on the right, starred in One
Million, B.C., The Mummy's Tomb,
and What's Buzzin', Cousin? and
played Mr. Brown on The Mickey Rooney
Show, Col. U. Charles Barker on Don't
Call Me Charlie, and Ted Gaynor on Family
Affair) plays Winslow Mayor John Mercer. Sheldon Allman (see "Duel at
Judas Basin" above) plays bank robber Elijah McGuire. Max Baer, Jr. (see
"Duel at Judas Basin" above) plays his brother Bert. Robert B.
Williams (postman Mr. Dorfman on Dennis the Menace and Barney on Hazel) plays bank manager Mr. Smaller.
Season 5, Episode 10, "The Frightened Town": Andrew
Duggan (shown on the left, played Cal Calhoun on Bourbon Street
Beat, George Rose on Room for One
More, Major Gen. Ed Britt on 12 O'Clock
High, and Murdoch Lancer on Lancer)
plays small-town marshal Ben Delaney. Angela Greene (Tess Trueheart on Dick Tracy) plays his wife Harriet. Robert
Dunlap (Dennis on Peyton Place) plays
their son Mark. Lane Chandler (Tom Pike on Lawman)
plays trail boss Joe Cooper. James Griffith (Deputy Tom Ferguson on U.S. Marshal) plays drover Gorrell. Gregg
Palmer (see the biography section for the 1961 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays drover Dillard. William
Fawcett (Clayton on Duffy's Tavern,
Marshal George Higgins on The Adventures
of Rin Tin Tin, and Pete Wilkey on Fury)
plays cattle team cook Luke. Tim Graham (Homer Ede on National Velvet) plays livery man Jeb Conroy. Clyde Howdy (see
"Duel at Judas Basin" above) plays drover Andrews.
Season 5, Episode 11, "Lone Patrol": Robert McQueeney
(Conley Wright on The Gallant Men) plays
army supply expedition commander Capt. Duquesne. Harry Holcombe (appeared in The Fortune Cookie, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Foxy
Brown, Escape to Witch Mountain,
and Empire of the Ants and played
Frank Gardner on Search for Tomorrow,
Doc Benson on My Mother the Car, Mr.
Kendricks on Barefoot in the Park,
and Dr. J.P. Martin on Bonanza) plays
his commanding officer Maj. Prewitt. Stacy Keach, Sr. (Carlson on Get Smart) plays expedition member Sgt.
O'Bannion. Joseph Gallison (Dr. Neil Curtis on Days of Our Lives) plays cowardly trooper Jerry Dailey. Dawn Wells
(shown on the right, played Mary Ann Summers on Gilligan's Island)
plays massacre survivor Sarah Claypool. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at Judas
Basin" above) plays Trooper Yawkey.
Season 5, Episode 12, "Massacre at Gunsight Pass":
Jack Elam (shown on the left, played Deputy J.D. Smith on The
Dakotas, George Taggart on Temple
Houston, Zack Wheeler on The Texas
Wheelers, and Uncle Alvin Stevenson on Easy
Street) plays Russian nobleman Count Nicholas Potosi. Dee Carroll (Adele
Winston Hamilton on Days of Our Lives)
plays missionary Eva Hopkins. Robert Knapp (Ben Olson on Days of Our Lives and SAC Noel McDonald on The F.B.I.) plays conspirator Frank Thorne. Sherwood Price (see
"The Return of Mr. Grimm" above) plays payroll robber Johnny Eldorado.
Allan Lane (see the biography section for the 1961 post on Mister Ed) plays his jailer Sheriff Milton. X Brands
(Pahoo-Ka-Ta-Wah on Yancy Derringer)
plays Shoshone chief Powder Face. Hank Patterson (Fred Ziffel on Green Acres and Petticoat Junction and Hank on Gunsmoke)
plays stage shotgun rider Sunset. Robert Foulk (see "The Beholden"
above) plays stage relay station owner Joe Stone. Kathie Browne (Angie Dow on Hondo and was Darren McGavin's second
wife) plays his wife Molly. Paul Mantee (starred in Robinson Crusoe on Mars, Blood
on the Arrow, and A Man Called Dagger
and played Det. Al Corassa on Cagney
& Lacey and Commander Clayton on Hunter)
plays her old Shoshone friend Jimmy.
Season 5, Episode 13, "The Greater Glory": Ray
Stricklyn (shown on the right, played Dr. James Parris on The Colbys
and Senator Pickering on Wiseguy)
plays Billy the Kid. William Sargent (Jerry Carter on Peyton Place) plays ranch owner Roy Wiley. William Phipps (see the
biography section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays gunman Smiler Jones. Mickey Simpson (Boley
on Captain David Grief) plays henchman
Big Blue. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at Judas Basin" above) plays
henchman Jim. Ruth Terry (starred in Call
of the Canyon, My Buddy, Pistol Packin' Mama, and Smoky River Serenade) plays Wiley's
Season 6, Episode 1, "Winchester Quarantine": Susan
Cummings (shown on the left, played Georgia on Union Pacific) plays
cattle rancher Helen Ransom. Ross Elliott (Freddie the director on The Jack Benny Program and Sheriff
Abbott on The Virginian) plays her
husband Ernie. John A. Alonzo (cinematographer on Vanishing Point, Harold and
Maude, Lady Sings the Blues, Chinatown, Scarface, Steel Magnolias,
and Star Trek: Generations) plays her
ranch hand Rico. Terry Frost (see "Duel at Judas Basin" above) plays ranch
hand Charley. William Fawcett (see "The Frightened Town" above) plays
her cook Uncle Luke. Denver Pyle (Ben Thompson on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, Grandpa Tarleton on Tammy, Briscoe Darling on The Andy Griffith Show, Buck Webb on The Doris Day Show, Mad Jack on The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams, and
Uncle Jesse on The Dukes of Hazzard)
plays cattlemen's association president Nate Weyland. Robert Carson (Mr. Maddis
on The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show)
plays cattle rancher Jack Ballister. Steve Brodie (see the biography section
for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays hired gun Steve Maclay. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at
Judas Basin" above) plays Cheyenne's ranch hand Reese.
Season 6, Episode 2, "Trouble Street": Patrick
McVey (Steve Wilson on Big Town, Lt.
Col. Wesley Hayes on Boots and Saddles,
Ben Andrews on Manhunt, and Dr.
Hansen on The Doctors) plays Colton
City Marshal Bailey. James Coburn (shown on the right, starred in The Magnificent Seven, Charade,
Our Man Flint, and In Like Flint and played Jeff Durain on Klondike and Gregg Miles on Acapulco) plays his pushy deputy Kell. Lee
Van Cleef (starred in High Noon, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, For a Few Dollars More, and The
Good, The Bad and the Ugly) plays Kell's partner Braden. Mala Powers (starred
in Cyrano de Bergerac, Rose of Cimarron, and Tammy and the Bachelor and played
Rebecca Boone on Walt Disney's Daniel
Boone and Mona on Hazel) plays Colton
City's leading citizen and landholder Sharon Colton. Frank Sully (Danny the
bartender on The Virginian) plays her
bartender. Tom Drake (starred in Meet Me
in St. Louis, Mr. Belvedere Goes to College, and The Sandpiper) plays imprisoned carpenter Randall. Ahna Capri (Mary
Rose on Room for One More) plays his
daughter Mary. Roy Wright (Callahan on The
Islanders) plays general store owner Mr. Nolan. Gilman Rankin (Deputy
Charlie Riggs on Tombstone Territory)
plays another disgruntled citizen Price. Richard Reeves (Mr. Murphy on Date With the Angels) plays chain gang
guard Crowley.
Season 6, Episode 3, "Cross Purpose": Michael
Forest (starred in Ski Troop Attack, Atlas, and The Glory Guys and was the voice of Capt. Dorai on Street Fighter II: V and Olympus on Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue) plays accused
murderer Capt. Robert Holman. Joyce Meadows (Lynn Allen on The Man and the Challenge and Stacy on Two Faces West) plays his wife Madeline DeVier. Walter Brooke (shown on the left, appeared
in The Graduate, Tora! Tora! Tora!,
and The Nude Bomb and played D.A.
Frank Scanlon on The Green Hornet and
Clarence Johnson on The Waltons)
plays her brother Edward. Frank Gerstle (Dirk Gird on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp and voiced Raseem on The Banana Splits Adventure Hour) plays
his secretary Hammond. Frank De Kova (Chief Wild Eagle on F Troop and Louis Campagna on The Untouchables) plays Comanche chief Spotted Bull. Francis De Sales (Lt. Bill
Weigand on Mr. & Mrs. North,
Ralph Dobson on The Adventures of Ozzie& Harriet, Sheriff Maddox on Two
Faces West, and Rusty Lincoln on Days
of Our Lives) plays army Surgeon-Major Sam Cantell. Mickey Simpson (see
"The Greater Glory" above) plays fur trapper Renant. Sam Flint (Mr.
Armstead on Father Knows Best and
Judge Jewett on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays a minister. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at Judas
Basin" above) plays an army trooper.
Season 6, Episode 4, "The Young Fugitives": Dayton
Lummis (Marshal Andy Morrison on Law of
the Plainsman) plays former lawman Frank Collins. Richard Evans (shown on the right, played Paul
Hanley on Peyton Place) plays his son
Gilby. Don Haggerty (Jeffrey Jones on The
Files of Jeffrey Jones, Eddie Drake on The
Cases of Eddie Drake, Sheriff Dan Elder on State Trooper, and Marsh Murdock on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays sharp-shooting hawker Sam
Kinsey. Anne Whitfield (Barbara Harris on Days
of Our Lives) plays his assistant Nita. Trevor Bardette (see the biography
section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays town patriarch Lige Crawford. Richard Rogers (Walter
Tell on William Tell) plays his son
Alfred. Paul Langton (Leslie Harrington on Peyton
Place) plays the Clairmont sheriff. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at Judas
Basin" above) plays Crawford gunman Caldwell. Lane Chandler (see,
"The Frightened Town" above) plays posse member Proudhomme. Barry
Cahill (Capt. Curt Douglas on 12 O'Clock
High and Buck Vernon on The Waltons)
plays posse member Ransom.
Season 6, Episode 5, "Day's Pay": Rodolfo Acosta (Vaquero
on The High Chaparral) plays wanted
bank robber Luis Boladas. Harry Harvey (Sheriff Tom Blodgett on The Roy Rogers Show, Mayor George Dixon
on Man Without a Gun, and Houghton
Stott on It's a Man's World) plays Prairie
Junction Mayor Squires. Joseph Gallison (see "Lone Patrol" above)
plays Cheyenne's replacement as sheriff Billy Fipps. Ellen Burstyn (shown on the left, starred in For Those Who Think Young, The Last Picture Show, The Exorcist, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, and Same Time, Next Year and played Julie Parsons on Iron Horse, Ellen Brewer on The Ellen Burstyn Show, Dolly DeLucca on
That's Life, Bishop Beatrice Congreve
on The Book of Daniel, Nancy Davis
Dutton on Big Love, and Evanka on Louie) plays Three Corners ambassador
Emmy Mae. Willard Waterman (Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve on The Great Gildersleeve and Mac Maginnis
on The Real McCoys) plays Three
Corners barber Purdie. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at Judas Basin" above)
plays the Prairie Junction hotel clerk. Trevor Bardette (see "The Young
Fugitives" above) plays Three Corners usurper Clem McCracken.
Season 6, Episode 6, "Retaliation": Randy Stuart (shown on the right, see
the biography section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays widow Cora Ainslie. Kevin Brodie (son
of Steve Brodie, wrote and directed A Dog
of Flanders) plays her son Bart. Jason Evers (starred in The Brain That Wouldn't Die, House of Women, The Green Berets, and Escape
From the Planet of the Apes and played Pitcairn on Wrangler, Prof. Joseph Howe on Channing,
and Jim Sonnett on The Guns of Will
Sonnett) plays hotel owner Andy Clark. John Anderson (see the biography
section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays bank owner Thackeray Smith. Percy Helton (Homer
Cratchit on The Beverly Hillbillies)
plays Smith's lawyer Matthew Beasely. Kelly Thordsen (Colorado Charlie on Yancy Derringer) plays Smith henchman
Brown. William Lally (Tommy Clifford on My
Son Jeep) plays Smith henchman Chester. Guy Wilkerson (played Panhandle
Perkins in 22 westerns) plays the undertaker.
Season 6, Episode 7, "Storm Center": Dorothy Green
(Lavinia Tate on Tammy) plays saloon
owner Lily Mae Nelson. Mario Siletti (appeared in The Great Caruso, When in
Rome, and East of Eden and played
Charlie Carlotti on Hazel) plays her confidante
Pepe. Robert Crawford, Jr. (shown on the left, see the biography section for the 1960 post on Laramie) plays orphan Frank Garcia. Simon
Scott (John Riggs on Markham, Gen.
Bronson on McHale's Navy, Chief Barney
Metcalf on Mod Squad, and Arnold
Slocum on Trapper John, M.D.) plays Devil's
Gorge Sheriff Riley. Don Megowan (see "The Beholden" above) plays Lily
Mae's ex-husband and convict Matt Nelson. Jack Hogan (starred in The Bonnie Parker Story, Paratroop Command, and The Cat Burglar and played Kirby on Combat!, Sgt. Jerry Miller on Adam-12, Chief Ranger Jack Moore on Sierra, and Judge Smithwood on Jake and the Fatman) plays his former
accomplice Garson. Richard Reeves (see "Trouble Street" above) plays his
other former partner Hendricks. George Petrie (Freddie Muller on The Honeymooners, Harv Smithfield on Dallas, Don Rudy Aiuppo on Wiseguy, and Sid on Mad About You) plays the prison warden.
Season 6, Episode 8, "Legacy of the Lost": Peter
Whitney (Sergeant Buck Sinclair on The
Rough Riders and Lafe Crick on The
Beverly Hillbillies) plays dynasty patriarch Lionel Abbott. Peter Breck
(shown on the right, played Clay Culhane on Black Saddle, Doc
Holliday on Maverick, and Nick
Barkley on The Big Valley) plays his
son James. Jolene Brand (Anna Maria Verdugo on Zorro) plays James' wife Lorna. James Hong (Barry Chan on The New Adventures of Charlie Chan,
Frank Chen on Jigsaw John, and Doctor
Chen Ling on Dynasty) plays Abbott
house servant Suchin. William Windom (appeared in To Kill a Mockingbird, The
Americanization of Emily, and Escape
From the Planet of the Apes and played Congressman Glen Morley on The Farmer's Daughter, John Monroe on My World and Welcome to It, Larry
Krandall on Brothers and Sisters,
Frank Buckman on Parenthood, and Dr. Seth
Hazlitt on Murder, She Wrote) plays private
detective Dennis Carter. Rusty Wescoatt (Joe the bartender on Trackdown) plays Lionel's muscle Benton.
Richard Hale (starred in Abilene Town,
Kim, San Antone, Red Garters,
and To Kill a Mockingbird) plays Cheyenne
chief White Cloud. X Brands (see "Massacre at Gunsight Pass" above)
plays one of White Cloud's braves.
Season 6, Episode 9, "The Brahma Bull": William
Reynolds (shown on the left, starred in All That Heaven
Allows, The Big Beat, and The Thing That Couldn't Die and played
Pete Kelly in Pete Kelly's Blues,
Sandy Wade on The Islanders, Capt.
Jim Benedict on The Gallant Men, and
Special Agent Tom Colby on The F.B.I.)
plays bounty hunter Johnny Tremayne. George Wallace (see the biography section
for the 1961 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays wanted outlaw Blaney Hawker. Owen Orr (Wally Blanchard
on No Time for Sergeants) plays his
brother Harrison. Kevin Hagen (John Colton on Yancy Derringer, Inspector Dobbs Kobick on Land of the Giants, and Dr. Hiram Baker on Little House on the Prairie) plays newspaper editor Joseph Moran. Tommy
Farrell (appeared in At War With the Army,
Singin' in the Rain, and North by Northwest and played Cpl. Thad
Carson on The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin,
Chet Holliday on This Is Alice, Jay
O'Hanlon on Bourbon Street Beat, Riff
Ryan on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis,
and Fred on Room for One More) plays hotel
clerk Dooley Wade. John Milford (see the biography section for the 1960 post on
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp)
plays vengeful former Confederate Floyd Pillow. Clyde Howdy (see "Duel at
Judas Basin" above) plays Cheyenne's friend Sam Varney. Tom London (starred
in Six-Shootin' Sheriff, Song of the Buckaroo, and Riders in the Sky) plays an old man
hanging wanted posters.