Viewers of contemporary dramatic TV series have in a sense
become spoiled by the current trend in devising multi-season story arcs
narrating a continuous thread over dozens of episodes delineating not only the
connected events that comprise a certain character's story but also the
development and past history of that character. Critically acclaimed series
like Breaking Bad grab and hold our
attention specifically by posing and answering the question of why and how an
upright, by-the-book high school science teacher could evolve into an amoral
drug lord. But that level of character development and sequential narration was
unthinkable five and a half decades ago. TV characters may have had multiple
personality traits, which could be tested, challenged, and even temporarily
changed within the confines of a single episode, but over the course of the
series those traits were immutable, and events from one week's episode almost
never carried over to any subsequent episodes. When an actor left a series that
continued after his or her departure, often their sudden absence was never
explained. All of which is prelude to the proposition that The Deputy was one of the best TV westerns of its era precisely
because it was ahead of its time.

But this scenario of tricking McCord week after week did not
descend into the familiar Peanuts comic strip ruse with Lucy offering to hold
the football so that Charlie Brown can kick it. Fry extends McCord's servitude
so that he can mentor him in the not always obvious or even ethical ways a
lawman must sometimes use to serve the cause of justice. And it is this
mentorship that we see play out in the 1961 episodes until Fry feels that
McCord is his equal. McCord's financial motivation only crops up once more in
"The Challenger" (February 25, 1961) when he gets a letter from his
sister, now living near St. Louis after being jettisoned from the series when
the family store burned down, who needs an extra $20 a week to save the family
farm. When McCord tells Fry he is thinking of quitting his deputy post to work
a more lucrative cattle ranching job, Fry says he knows he won't be able to
wrangle that big a raise out of the governor but is willing to try. Meanwhile, McCord's
sidekick Sgt. Hapgood Tasker gets the brilliant idea to win $500 for his friend
by entering a boxing challenge against a travelling carnival strongman. The
Boxing Match is a much-used, hackneyed plot in early 1960s westerns, an attempt
to capitalize on the popularity of televised boxing within the confines of the
dramatic western, but what makes this version different is the way the story is
enveloped in McCord's past history, tied to events portrayed the previous
season. The series frequently uses well-worn western plots like this one but
manages to make them palatable by framing them with the witty interchanges
between Fry and McCord.
Elsewhere in the 1961 episodes we see Clay demonstrating
that he has developed the manipulative skills of his mentor, enabling him to
turn the tables to solve a problem through devious means. In "The
Lesson" (January 14, 1961), a notorious ex-con rides into town and shocks
the populace by revealing that their highly regarded school teacher is his
wife. The town council can't abide having an outlaw's wife teach their
impressionable children, so they terminate her contract. After McCord is unable
to get the council members to reconsider, given all the good the school teacher
has done for their children during hard times, McCord reminds them of a statute
that they enacted requiring all children to attend school every day if there is
a teacher available, then promising that he will make sure there is one
available. McCord then talks with Fry, who thinks that McCord is naturally the
one who must serve as interim teacher, but McCord counters that the children
would never accept him as teacher since they are used to calling him by his
first name, and that Fry, as the highest-ranking representative of the
territory, is duty-bound to fill in as the temporary teacher. As it turns out,
McCord's plan works perfectly because Fry winds up instilling in his pupils the
teachings of Benjamin Franklin on standing up against those who would curtail
their freedoms, and when their lily-livered fathers refuse to oppose the
notorious ex-con and his gang of bandits, the children take up arms and shame
their parents into fulfilling their duty in capturing the threat to their
society. By having Fry teach the children so that they can in turn give their
parents a lesson to solve his problem, McCord demonstrates the kind of
two-steps-ahead chess move for which Fry is famous.
In "Past and Present" (January 21, 1961) Fry and
the rest of Silver City think bank employee Herb Caldwell must have been in on
a bank robbery when Caldwell fails to shoot at the bank robbers when he had the
chance. But McCord believes that there is more to the story and eventually
discovers that Caldwell's brother was the leader of the bank robbing gang, and
he hesitated to fire at the robbers because it would have meant killing his own
brother. But after confronting his brother and being unable to get him to turn
himself in, Caldwell is forced to do what he had avoided earlier, and when
McCord later recounts the turn of events to Fry, the latter says that's why he
hired McCord in the first place--because he's stubborn enough to do his own
Fry concedes that McCord is his equal in devising risky
schemes to handle tricky situations in "The Example" (March 25,
1961). Faced with the problem of a young man headed down the wrong path, such
as forcing the bartender to serve him liquor at gunpoint even though he is
under age, McCord decides that the only way to get through to the troubled
youth is to enlist the help of his fugitive father who is hiding out in Mexico.
When he discusses his idea with Fry, the latter points out the many risks
involved if the outlaw father is spotted north of the border but then says that
he can see McCord's mind is made up, though he also says that as far as he is
concerned their conversation never happened. After McCord rides off to carry
out his plan, Fry says to himself that he wish he'd thought of it.
McCord tries another risky move in "The Return of Widow
Brown" (April 22, 1961) when he is faced with the return of Amelia Brown,
widow of a bank robber whose stolen loot has never been recovered. McCord isn't
sure whether Widow Brown knows where the money is, but he figures the only way
to find out is to release from prison the only surviving member of her
husband's gang and see if he can flush out where the money is, only to get the
prison warden to release his prisoner, he has to give him the impression that
Fry approved of his plan. After McCord has retrieved the stolen money and
recaptured the prisoner, he tries to explain to Fry why a Yuma prisoner is in
their Silver City jail by telling him that in order to solve the mystery of the
missing money he had to think like Fry, but suspecting that McCord likely had
to bend a few laws to do it, Fry tells him he doesn't want to hear the details
now or ever.
McCord again beats Fry at his own game in "The Legend
of Dixie" (May 20, 1961) after a notorious loafer is awarded a $2000
reward for the killing of two wanted bank robbers that he didn't actually
shoot. After McCord cleverly lets loafer Dixie Miller bask in his unearned
glory in order to lure the lone remaining robber into town, where he is shot
trying to commit another robbery. Fry is upset that McCord still allowed Miller
to keep the reward money when it could be put to better use for various needs
throughout the territory, at which point McCord reminds him of the need for a
new school house in Silver City and then shows him a check Miller has written
for half the reward amount to start a school house fund. Whereas Fry frequently
dangled the prospect of reward money before McCord in earlier episodes to get
him to do his bidding, McCord in this episode has reversed that tactic, holding
on to reward money to finance a local need, showing that he is no longer
thinking of returning to his private concern of running a store but is instead
the voice of the community.
While the series did not wind up its last episode with
anything that today would pass for a finale, at least not literally, it did
offer a symbolically satisfying end to the slow education and eventual
graduation of Clay McCord from private citizen and storekeeper to permanent
Deputy Marshal. In "Lawman's Conscience" (July 1, 1961), McCord
suffers a crisis of conscience when he is duped into believing that he
incorrectly contributed to an innocent man being sentenced to prison. Though
Tasker and Fry attempt to console him by telling him that mistakes are bound to
be part of the business, McCord's ability to carry out his duties is jeopardized
by his guilt as he bends over backwards to avoid suspecting the released Albee
Beckett, the man he had helped convict three years earlier. However, as the
evidence begins to mount that Beckett is responsible for a recent string of
robberies, McCord is able at least to devise a plan to ferret out the truth by
telling Beckett's girlfriend that they suspect him, causing him to bolt and
reveal his hideout containing the stolen loot. At episode's end Fry finds
McCord camping out one evening on his way to transport Beckett back to Yuma
prison. Fry chides McCord for not finishing his report on the affair, and McCord
counters that the report is in the mail and that besides that he needs to clear
his conscience by returning Beckett where he belongs. Fry offers to join him
for the journey and then says he will take first watch while McCord gets some
sleep, which McCord accepts because he says that Fry is the boss. This episode
provides a satisfactory end to the series because it demonstrates that despite
suffering a crisis of conscience and being duped by a faked death-bed
confession, McCord's instincts about Beckett were right in the first place and
that even though he was temporarily weakened by self-doubt he was able to
adjust to mounting suspicion against Beckett and make the right call, leading
to Beckett's capture. These traits have all the qualities of a seasoned lawman,
showing the progress that McCord has made from the unwilling quick-draw artist
to one who can think like his mentor and adapt to changing circumstances. Fry's
offer to accompany McCord on the remainder of his journey shows that, while Fry
is still technically the "boss," the two men are essentially equals
going forward. And McCord's lying down to snooze while Fry takes first watch
symbolically puts the series narrative "to bed."
It's unfortunate that such a well-devised and executed
series lasted only two seasons. The May 6 issue of TV Guide said only "Henry Fonda and The Deputy are bowing out of the NBC schedule" by way of
explanation. In an interview for the web site Read Morgan,
who played Sgt. Tasker during Season 2, suggested that Fonda decided to leave
the series because it was too demanding given all of his other projects and
that because television operated on such a condensed schedule to provide weekly
content the quality was not up to what Fonda was used to when working on
feature films. Perhaps so, but the quality Fonda and his castmates produced
over two seasons of The Deputy compares
favorably to anything turned out by the much more popular westerns of that
The Actors
For the biographies of Henry Fonda, Allen Case, and Read
Morgan, see the 1960 post on The Deputy.
Notable Guest Stars

Season 2, Episode 16, "The
Lesson": Harry Lauter (Ranger Clay Morgan on Tales of the Texas Rangers, Atlasande on Rocky Jones, Space Ranger, and Jim Herrick on Waterfront) plays notorious outlaw Lex Danton. Wandra Hendrix (starred
in Nora Prentiss, Ride the Pink Horse, Sierra, and Johnny Cool) plays his wife Mary Willis. Steve Darrell (Sheriff Hal
Humphrey on Tales of Wells Fargo)
plays store owner Mr. Jenkins.
Season 2, Episode 17, "Past and Present": Arthur
Franz (starred in Flight to Mars, The Member of the Wedding, and The Caine Mutiny) plays bank employee
Herb Caldwell. Murvyn Vye (Lionel on The
Bob Cummings Show) plays bank robber Calico Bill Caldwell. Mary Beth Hughes
(appeared in Star Dust, The Ox-Bow Incident, Orchestra Wives, Inner Sanctum, Riders in the
Sky, and Young Man With a Horn)
plays his former fiance Madge Belden. Paul Newlan (shown on the right, played Police Capt. Grey on M Squad and Lt. Gen. Pritchard on 12 O'Clock High) plays mine owner Art
Season 2, Episode 18, "The Hard Decision": George
Brenlin (Benny on General Hospital
and Duke Dukowski on Adam-12) plays convicted
killer Jimmy Burke. Marc Lawrence (appeared in The Ox-Bow Incident, Tampico,
Key Largo, The Asphalt Jungle, and The
Man With the Golden Gun and directed 16 episodes of Lawman) plays his brother Alvy. John Dennis (Dutch Schultz on The Lawless Years) plays Alvy's sidekick
Josh. Olan Soule (Aristotle "Tut" Jones on Captain Midnight, Ray Pinker on Dragnet
(1952-59), and Fred Springer on Arnie)
plays dentist Painless Stoner.
Season 2, Episode 19, "The Dream": Dick Foran (shown on the left, played Fire
Chief Ed Washburne on Lassie and Slim
on O.K., Crackerby!) plays landowner Major
Quint Hammer. John McLiam (appeared in Cool
Hand Luke, In Cold Blood, Sleeper, The Missouri Breaks, and First
Blood) plays rancher Ty Lawson.
Season 2, Episode 20, "Shackled Town": Bruce
Gordon (see the biography section for the 1961 post on The Untouchables) plays Vista Grande Judge Denton. Robert Brubaker
(Deputy Ed Blake on U.S. Marshal and Floyd
on Gunsmoke) plays Marshal Pecos
Smith. Carla Alberghetti (sister of Anna Maria Alberghetti) plays store clerk
Carmelita. Ralf Harolde (appeared in Smart
Money, I'm No Angel, He Was Her Man, and Murder, My Sweet) plays priest Padre Rafael.
Season 2, Episode 21, "The Lonely Road": Edward
Binns (starred in 12 Angry Men, North by Northwest, Heller in Pink Tights, and Judgment
at Nuremberg and played Roy Brenner on Brenner
and Wally Powers on It Takes a Thief)
plays released ex-con Shad Billings. Constance Ford (starred in A Summer Place, Home From the Hill, All Fall
Down, and The Caretakers and played
Ada Lucas Davis Downs McGowan Hobson on Another
World) played his wife Meg. Jim Davis (shown on the right, played Matt Clark on Stories of the Century, Wes Cameron on Rescue 8, Marshal Bill Winter on The Cowboys, and Jock Ewing on Dallas)
plays mine foreman Trace Phelan. Dick Wilson (Dino Barone on McHale's Navy and George Whipple in
Charmin toilet paper commercials) plays the Silver City barber.
Season 2, Episode 22, "The Challenger": Paul
Gilbert ("The Duke" London on The
Duke) plays carnival promoter Dillon. Stafford Repp (Chief O'Hara on Batman) plays cattle rancher Mr. Collins.
Season 2, Episode 23, "Edge of Doubt": Richard
Chamberlain (shown on the left, see the biography section for the 1961 post on Dr. Kildare) plays pardoned criminal
Jerry Kirk. Floy Dean (Laura Spencer Horton on Days of Our Lives) plays his girlfriend Annie Jenner. George
Chandler (Mac Benson on Waterfront,
Uncle Petrie Martin on Lassie, and
Ichabod Adams on Ichabod and Me)
plays her father's assistant George Lake. Thomas E. Jackson (starred in Broadway, Little Caesar, and The Woman
in the Window) plays store owner Potts.
Season 2, Episode 24, "Two-Way Deal": Ted de
Corsia (Police Chief Hagedorn on Steve
Canyon) plays bounty hunter Slade Blatner. Billy Gray (see the biography
section for the 1960 post on Father Knows Best) plays his son Johnny. Kenneth MacDonald (played the judge 32 times on
Perry Mason, played Col. Parker on Colt
.45, and appeared in several Three Stooges shorts) plays the Indian Wells
Season 2, Episode 25, "The Means and the End": DeForest
Kelley (shown on the right, played Dr. McCoy on Star Trek) plays
wanted killer Farley Styles. Justice Watson (J.W. Harrington on Holiday Lodge) plays circuit Judge
Season 2, Episode 26, "The Example": Denver Pyle (Ben
Thompson on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, Grandpa Tarleton on Tammy,
Briscoe Darlingon The Andy Griffith Show,
Buck Webb on The Doris Day Show, Mad
Jack on The Life and Times of Grizzly
Adams, and Uncle Jesse on The Dukes
of Hazzard) plays fugitive Frank Barton. Rickie Sorensen (Thomas Banks on Father of the Bride) plays Simon Fry's
young admirer Kit.
Season 2, Episode 27, "Cherchez la Femme": Edward
Platt (shown on the left, appeared in Rebel Without a Cause,
Written on the Wind, Designing Woman, and North by Northwest and played the Chief
on Get Smart) plays irate father Noah
Season 2, Episode 28, "Tension Point": Jerome Thor
(Robert Cannon on Foreign Intrigue)
plays gang leader Ben Meadows. William Stevens (Officer Jerry Walters on Adam-12) plays gang member Whip. Bern
Hoffman (Sam the bartender on Bonanza)
plays gang member Club. John Marley (starred in Cat Ballou, Love Story,
and The Godfather) plays dead gang
member's father Zeb Baker. Virginia Christine (was the Folger's Coffee woman in
commercials and starred in The Mummy's
Curse, The Killers, and Night Wind and who played Ovie Swenson
on Tales of Wells Fargo) plays his
wife Molly.
Season 2, Episode 29, "Brother in Arms": Lon
Chaney, Jr. (shown on the right, starred in The Wolfman, Of Mice and Men, High Noon, The Ghost of
Frankenstein, The Curse of Dracula,
Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman, and
many others, and played Chief Eagle Shadow on Pistols 'n' Petticoats and Chingachgook on Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans) plays mine owner Tom Arnold. Denny
Miller (see the biography section for the 1961 post on Wagon Train) plays Clay's childhood friend Bill Jason.
Season 2, Episode 30, "The Return of Widow Brown":
Norma Crane (appeared in Tea and Sympathy,
They Call Me Mr. Tibbs!, and Fiddler on the Roof and played Rayola
Dean on Mister Peepers) plays widow
Amelia Brown. Dennis Holmes (Mike Williams on Laramie) plays her son Tommy. Tom Greenway (Sheriff Jack Bronson on
State Trooper) plays prison Warden
Season 2, Episode 31, "Spoken in Silence": Sydney
Pollack (shown on the left, directed They Shoot Horses,
Don't They?, The Way We Were, Absence of Malice, Tootsie, and Out of Africa)
plays outlaw Chuck Johnson. Frances Helm (first wife of Brian Keith) plays deaf/mute
Laura Powell.
Season 2, Episode 32, "An Enemy of the Town": Whit
Bissell (starred in He Walked by Night,
Creature From the Black Lagoon, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, I Was a Teenage Frankenstein, and Hud and played Bert Loomis on Bachelor Father, Calvin Hanley on Peyton Place, and Lt. Gen. Heywood Kirk
on The Time Tunnel) plays newspaper
editor Will Culp. Stephen Roberts (Stan Peeples on Mr. Novak) plays tannery owner Adam Crockett.
Season 2, Episode 33, "The Legend of Dixie": Stanley
Adams (Lt. Morse on Not for Hire and
Gurrah on The Lawless Years) plays loafer
Dixie Miller. Gregory Walcott (see the biography section for the 1961 post on 87th Precinct) plays bank robber Gar Logan.

Season 2 Episode 36, "Lorinda
Belle": Claude Akins (Sonny Pruett on Movin'
On and Sheriff Elroy P. Lobo on B.J
and the Bear and on Lobo) plays mine
owner Jason Getty. Frank Overton (starred in Desire Under the Elms, To
Kill a Mockingbird, and Fail-Safe
and played Major Harvey Stovall on 12
O'Clock High) plays hauler Bill Corman. Andy Albin (Andy Godsen on Julia) plays headstone maker Zac