Update, February 2025: since this abbreviated post was first
published 5 years ago, Universal still has not released the 7th and final
season of
Alfred Hitchcock on DVD in
the U.S., but all 7 seasons of the program can now, as of this writing, be
viewed for free on
The Roku Channel. As a result, I have amended this post to
include the 12 Season 7 episodes that aired in 1961.
After progressively declining ratings for Alfred Hitchcock Presents, from a high
point of #6 during its second season in 1956-57 to #25 in its fifth season of
1959-60, Hitchcock & company left CBS for NBC, which moved the program from
Sunday night to Tuesday in the fall of 1960, promising better ratings when not
going up against The Dinah Shore Chevy
Show on NBC and The Alaskans on
ABC, neither of which were in the top 30. As Hitchcock notes in a March 25,
1961 TV Guide cover story, the move
initially led to a decline, not an increase, in viewership. The article's
author felt that this setback was going to change as the stories were about to
become more macabre and that the temporary decline in ratings was due to the
program veering away from Hitchcock's trademark bizarre stories early in Season
6, such as the season's opening episode "Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's
Coat." But the series never regained its early popularity, neither with
its two seasons on NBC nor when it returned to CBS in an expanded format as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour in the fall of

While Hitchcock spends a fair amount of time lampooning
television in his opening and closing vignettes, he obviously also felt that
his own program was on par with his films and some of the greatest short
stories ever written, as he equates his program with the work of De Maupassant
and O. Henry in his TV Guide
interview. Besides savaging his own sponsors in his vignettes when segueing to
the opening and closing commercial breaks, Hitchcock lampoons the situation
comedy formula in the vignettes for "Coming, Mama" (April 11, 1961)
by saying the recipe has been so perfected that it now comes in a dried formula
which he pours from a cereal box and then just adds water to have a
stereotypical American family with husband, wife, son, and daughter magically appear.
In the opening vignette for "Gratitude" (April 25, 1961) Hitchcock
sits in an old west saloon and says that he just learned that he needs to begin
every episode with a teaser, which then plays out with a stereotypical bar-room
brawl over a cowboy flirting with the saloon girl, an obvious poke at the
ubiquitous western formula of trying to spur interest in this week's episode by
beginning with a particularly dramatic or perilous opening snippet. Hitchcock
even takes a swipe at his own series in the opening vignette for "Final
Arrangements" (June 20, 1961), which shows him working on an assembly line
to manufacture his own program, saying that each episode requires a dose of
saccharine, some pruning, and a few commercials sprinkled about. Though his own
program could hardly be accused of the saccharine sentimentality found
elsewhere on TV, most likely the real thrust of this vignette is his attempt in
the final segment to create an episode without commercials, only to have the
assembly line stop and Hitchcock remark that you can't get away with anything
because Big Brother is always watching.

But in fact Hitchcock got away with much more than other
television programs due to his lofty reputation as a film auteur, and he knew
it. Again from the TV Guide interview
he remarked, "The advantage of my show is that the husband can murder his
wife and bury her in the cellar ... Retribution ... can be dealt with at the
end by me." On other programs the viewer is always shown that crime is punished,
and even reformed criminals usually are killed off, though they are given the
saccharine solace that they cleansed their reputation at the end. On Alfred Hitchcock Presents the viewer
often sees the perpetrator execute their crime, but their supposed capture and
punishment are dashed off by Hitchcock in his closing vignette. Given the
cynical, flippant tone of these postludes, the "retribution" seems
like an insincere formality. In the aforementioned "Coming, Mama"
episode, 35-year-old spinster Lucy Baldwin is tied down to her nagging,
bed-ridden, invalid mother, who threatens to disinherit her if she marries her
boyfriend. So Lucy decides to overdose her mother with sleeping medicine and
gets away with it, only to discover that not only did her mother have no
fortune to inherit but her fiance also has a nagging, bed-ridden, invalid
mother that she is now expected to take care of. This might seem an appropriate
punishment, but Lucy tells her fiance that his mother appears uncomfortable and
they will need to get her doctor to prescribe a sleeping sedative as she smiles
devilishly to herself. It's clear that Lucy plans to dispose of her new
husband's mother the same way she got rid of her own, but Hitchcock narrates in
the closing segment that she was caught on her next try. Technically this
comment is supposed to appease our discomfort in seeing someone get away with
parenticide, but it is only to appease the sponsors and censors. The same sort
of tepid "retribution" is also provided at the end of "The
Kiss-Off" (March 7, 1961), "Incident in a Small Jail" (March 21,
1961), "A Woman's Help" (March 28, 1961), "Museum Piece"
(April 4, 1961), "Deathmate" (April 18, 1961), "Self Defense"
(May 23, 1961), and "Servant Problem" (June 6, 1961).

But by the end of Season 6, these closing
"explanations" became even more brazen. In "Final
Arrangements" we see office worker Leonard Thompson commit suicide by
drinking a glass of milk laced with rat poison just to escape, you guessed it,
his nagging, bed-ridden, invalid wife; afterward, Hitchcock says that just
because they depicted a man committing suicide does not mean they endorse it as
a solution to life's problems--there are other ways of dealing with such
problems, such as money. In "Make My Death Bed" (June 27, 1961) a
wife attempts to kill her cheating husband by leaving behind a bottle of poison
labeled as saccharine when she takes their children on a trip to her parents
only to have the husband's paramour take the poison after he has been shot dead
by the paramour's jealous husband. Hitchcock then comes on and says that we all
make mistakes without ever resolving whether the wife was prosecuted for
attempted murder or negligent homicide. And in the final episode of Season 6,
"Ambition" (July 4, 1961), District Attorney Rudy Cox allows his
former friend and retiring mob boss Mac Davis to be prosecuted for the murder
of his chief witness, even though Cox can provide Davis with an alibi, if he so
chooses, but getting a conviction on Davis will further his career ambitions.
At the close Hitchcock merely says that Cox was forced to confess the truth to
his wife when she found two used coffee cups in their kitchen when she returned
from a dance without him, but he never says that Davis was acquitted or that
Cox faced any repercussions for his lie.

These tacked-on rationales for horrendous crimes are just
one example of the ways Hitchcock was pushing the boundaries of television to
make it more on par with feature films. He also took liberties with the
gruesomeness of the crimes committed. When famous novelist Kerwin Drake
strangles his long estranged wife to death in "Servant Problem" we
don't actually see her face as she is being killed, but the effect is still
very chilling. Likewise, when traveling salesman Leon Gorwald barely escapes a
lynch mob in "Incident in a Small Jail" but then turns out to be the
slasher the mob was after, drives off after examining his sample case to make
sure his knife is still in order, and picks up another potential victim on his
way out of town, we don't actually see him doing the deed, but Hitchcock allows
our imagination to supply the gory details in a manner a bit more
spine-tingling than your average TV crime drama. This
pattern continued into the early Season 7 episodes, such as "The
Hatbox"(October 10, 1961) in which a college biology professor
successfully does away with his wife, though we are never shown how, only that
her skeleton now hangs on a stand in his home office, and "Services
Rendered" (December 12, 1961) in which a hired assassin loses his memory
after being hit in the head by a 2x4 dropped from a construction scaffold, only
to regain that memory just as he is about to leave the office of the doctor he
was hired to kill--we see the assassin pick up a scalpel but are left to fill
in the blank of the actual killing. Though Hitchcock's depiction or suggestion
of murder was edgy compared to the rest of the TV landscape, by Season 7 it had
fallen victim to its own formula, making what was once novel into something
predictable and routine.
Hitchcock also challenged existing mores on topics such as
invalids and the institution of marriage. Typically bed-ridden invalids are the
subject of pity as they are unable to move about and enjoy the many social
aspects of life that the healthy can experience. But Hitchcock devotes a full
three episodes from the 25 Season 6 episodes airing in 1961 to depict invalids
as demanding burdens that deserve to be killed. Besides the aforementioned
"Coming, Mama," in which Lucy Baldwin kills off her own invalid
mother and then plans to do the same to the mother of her new husband, and
"Final Arrangements," in which hen-pecked Leonard Thompson has to
commit suicide to get away from his bed-ridden wife who isn't really as ill as
she pretends, "A Woman's Help" (March 28, 1961) shows Arnold Burton
falling in love with the young caretaker he has hired to tend to his shrewish
bed-ridden wife Elizabeth, who accuses him of not being able to do anything
without the help of a woman--first his mother and then her, his wife. After Elizabeth
catches Arnold kissing the caretaker, she fires her and insists on hiring her
replacement herself, only Arnold manages to trick into hiring his mother, who
is only too helpful in assisting in his original plan to slowly overdose his
wife with a prescribed sedative. All three of these episodes also depict a dysfunctional
marriage, another favorite topic on Alfred
Hitchcock Presents.

We have already touched on the dysfunctional marriages in
"Servant Problem," in which novelist Kerwin Drake is surprised when
the wife he abandoned 22 years ago shows up unexpectedly, thereby threatening
his planned marriage to the much younger Sylvia Colton, and "Make My Death
Bed," which depicts marital infidelity and even suggests that cheating
wife Elise Taylor married her husband Ken because she thought she could get
away with her indiscretions. But there is also "The Last Escape"
(January 31, 1961) in which Houdini-like escape artist Joe Ferlini is abusive
to his performing assistant wife Wanda, tempting her to sabotage a particularly
risky stunt he is determined to undertake in an attempt to boost his career. In
"Deathmate" (April 18, 1961) hustler Ben Conan is set up by the wife
of a wealthy businessman to murder the husband only to find out that she also
hired a private detective to catch him in the act. In "You Can't Trust a
Man" (May 9, 1961) nightclub singer Crystal Coe has to get rid of her
ex-con first husband because he can show they were never really divorced after
she has already remarried to a wealthy oil tycoon. And in "A Secret
Life" (May 30, 1961) dissatisfied art dealer James Howgill begrudgingly
hires a private detective agency to spy on his wife when she refuses to give
him a divorce and gets tricked into thinking that she has been seeing another
man, making him suddenly want her back, only to later find out the detective
agency was following the wrong woman. In all of these episodes marriage is
depicted as a trap or a threat to a happy life rather than the ultimate goal in
life as depicted by countless romantic comedies. Hitchcock still finds humor in
marriage, but it is always at the expense of those who are married.
there is one episode from Season 7, "I Spy" (December 5, 1961), which
dissolves an unhappy marriage for a happy one. This is one of the few episodes
from the series that has a sweet, happy ending and a plot that trades in irony
rather than suspense or horror. Jealous husband Captain Morgan has his London
attorney hire a private detective to determine if his estranged wife, who left
him a year earlier and took a job as a hotel maid in the seaside town of
Brighton, is having an extramarital affair so that he will have grounds for
divorce. But the private detective sent by the attorney, who takes an
undercover job as a waiter in the same hotel, winds up falling in love with the
estranged wife, who feels the same way about him, so that the detective is only
too happy to report back about the wife's lover--naturally never mentioning
that it is he--so that her husband will divorce her and the detective can then
marry her. If this were a typical Hitchcock story, the jealous husband would
discover the affair and show up to kill both the wife and her lover, which she
says he had threatened to do when she was not even seeing anyone else, this
being the reason why she left him. But instead we are given no such gruesome
finale; we instead assume that the detective and maid lived happily ever after. Another
Season 7 episode that ends without a gruesome finale, though just barely, is a
perfect example of Hitchcock's signature style of suspense--"Bang! You're
Dead" (October 17, 1961), one of the few episodes that Hitchcock himself
directed. In this story a 5-year-old boy takes a real revolver out of his
visiting uncle's suitcase, swapping it with the toy gun he had been playing
with moments earlier, as well as real bullets, and none of the adults suspect
anything because he is always pointing his toy gun at people and pretending to
shoot them. Hitchcock builds the suspense as the story goes along, initially
having the boy put only one live bullet in the revolver, then spinning the
chamber so that when he pulls the trigger at someone, it is like a game of
Russian roulette--you don't know if the chamber has a bullet or is empty until
after the trigger clicks. As the story proceeds, the boy adds another bullet,
and another, upping the odds that the next shot will be with a live bullet. The
camera shots also focus on close ups of the boy adding each bullet to the
chamber as the story moves along, thereby adding to the viewer's tension that
the next shot will be fatal. Happily for all the characters, the boy's father
and uncle return home in time to throw an African mask at the gun as the boy is
about to shoot the family maid, thereby deflecting the bullet just enough to
shatter a mirror instead of kill the maid. No one is harmed in this story
except the viewer, whose nerves are shattered with the constantly ratcheting up
of the tension over the episode's 25-minute run time. While the narrative style
of this episode is typical Hitchcock, the ensuing epilogue is not: rather than
his usual macabre sense of humor, Hitchcock closes with what amounts to a
public service announcement admonishing parents to keep their guns locked up so
that their children can't commit a tragedy like the one the viewer almost just
witnessed. He must have realized just how far he could push the envelope without
suffering repercussions, but given the program's declining ratings, perhaps his
viewers were not as forgiving.
The Actors
For the biography of Alfred Hitchcock, see the 1960 post on Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Notable Guest Stars
Season 6, Episode 14, "The
Changing Heart":
Nicholas Pryor (shown on the left, starred in
The Way We Live Now,
Happy Hooker,
The Omen II: Damien,
Risky Business, and
Less Than Zero and played Ernest Cooper
Young Dr. Malone, Johnny Ellis on
The Secret Storm, Tom Baxter on
Another World, Ken Alexander on
The Nurses, Lincoln Tyler on
All My Children, Joel Gantry on
The Edge of Night, Jeffrey Trout on
Eight Is Enough, Jack Feldspar on
The Bronx Zoo, Chancellor Milton Arnold
Beverly Hills, 90210, and Victor
Collins on
Port Charles) plays
engineer Dane Ross.
Abraham Sofaer (starred in
Christopher Columbus,
Vadis, and
Elephant Walk) plays
clock shop owner Ulrich Klemm.
Anne Helm (starred in
Follow That Dream,
Interns, and
Honeymoon Hotel and
played Molly Pierce on
Run for Your Life
and Mary Briggs on
General Hospital)
plays his daughter Lisa.
Robert Sampson (Sgt. Walsh on
Steve Canyon, Father Mike Fitzgerald on
Bridget Love Bernie, and Sheriff Turk Tobias on
Falcon Crest) plays Dane's friend Jack.
Lumet (father of director Sidney Lumet) plays a concertina player.

Season 6, Episode 15, "Summer
James Franciscus (shown on the right, played Det. Jimmy Halloran on
Naked City, Russ Andrews on
Investigators, John Novak on
Novak, Mike Longstreet on
Benjamin Elliot on
Doc Elliot, and
James Hunter on
Hunter) plays house
hunter Ben Kendall.
Julie Adams (starred in
Creature From the Black Lagoon and played Martha Howard on
The Jimmy Stewart Show, Ann Rorchek on
Code Red, and Eve Simpson on
Murder, She Wrote) plays his wife
Susan Gordon (appeared in
of the Puppet People,
The Five Pennies, and
Picture Mommy Dead) plays their daughter
John Hoyt (starred in
My Favorite
The Lady Gambles, and
Blackboard Jungle and played Grandpa
Stanley Kanisky on
Gimme a Break!)
plays a Salem, MA minister.
Veronica Cartwright (starred in
The Birds,
The Children's Hour,
of the Body Snatchers (1978),
The Right Stuff, and
The Witches of Eastwick and played
Jemima Boone on
Daniel Boone, Molly
Hark on
Tanner '88, A.D.A. Margaret
Flanagan on
L.A. Law, Cassandra
Spender on
The X-Files, Valerie Shenkman
Invasion, and Bun Waverly on
Eastwick) plays Kate's friend Judy
Season 6, Episode 16, "A
Crime for Mothers":
Robert Sampson (see "The Changing Heart"
above) plays civil engineer Ralph Birdwell.
Patricia Smith (Charlotte Landers
The Debbie Reynolds Show and
Margaret Hoover on
The Bob Newhart Show)
plays his wife Jane.
Claire Trevor (shown on the left, starred in
Murder, My Sweet,
Raw Deal,
Key Largo,
Morningstar, and
How to Murder Your
Wife) plays their daughter's birth mother Mrs. Meade.
Howard McNear (see
the biography section for the 1961 post on
The Andy Griffith Show) plays Meade's attorney Mr. Maxwell.
Biff Elliot
(starred in
I, the Jury,
House of Bamboo, and
Pork Chop Hill) plays private
investigator Phil Ames.
King Calder (Lt. Gray on
Martin Kane) plays his partner Charlie Vance.

Season 6, Episode 17, "The Last
Keenan Wynn (shown on the right, starred in
Get Your Gun,
Royal Wedding,
Angels in the Outfield,
The Absent-Minded Professor,
Son of Flubber,
Dr. Strangelove,
The Great Race,
Point Blank and played Kodiak on
Troubleshooters, Willard
"Digger" Barnes on
Carl Sarnac on
Call to Glory, and
Butch on
The Last Precinct) plays escape
performance artist Joe Ferlini.
Jan Sterling (starred in
Johnny Belinda,
Ace in the Hole¸
The Mating Season,
1984, and
High School Confidential! and played
Mildred Foss on
Guiding Light) plays his
wife Wanda.
Dennis Patrick (Paul
Stoddard on
Dark Shadows and Vaughn
Leland on
Dallas) plays his promoter
Harry Miller.
John Craven (Jim on
The Egg
and I) plays nightclub singer Tommy.
Robert Carson (Mr. Maddis on
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show)
plays Police Chief Wallace.
Ronnie Rondell, Jr. (stunt coordinator on
The Mod Squad,
Charlie's Angels,
Hart to Hart) plays motor boat
driver Dave Brooks.
Charles Meredith (Dr. LeMoyne Snyder on
The Court of Last Resort) plays the
reverend at Ferlini's funeral.
Claude Stroud (Rudy Cromwell on
The Duke and Hobert Nalven on
The Ted Knight Show) plays a fake
coroner's office investigator.
Season 6, Episode 18, "The
Greatest Monster of Them All":
Sam Jaffe (starred in
Lost Horizon,
Gunga Din,
The Asphalt Jungle, and
Ben-Hur and played Dr. David Zorba on
Ben Casey) plays B movie mogul Hal
Robert H. Harris (Jake Goldberg on
and Raymond Schindler on
The Court of
Last Resort) plays his director Morty Lenton.
William Redfield (appeared in
Duel at Diablo,
The Fantastic
The Hot Rock, and
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) plays scriptwriter
Fred Logan.
Richard Hale (shown on the left, starred in
San Antone,
Red Garters,
To Kill a Mockingbird) plays old
monster movie star Ernst von Croft.

Season 6, Episode 19, "The
Patricia Collinge (shown on the right, appeared in
The Little Foxes,
Shadow of a
Tender Comrade, and
Washington Story) plays a boarding house
Dean Stockwell (starred in
Gentleman's Agreement,
and Lovers, and
Dune and played
Dr. Rudy Devereux on
Dr. Kildare,
Admiral Al Calavicci on
Quantum Leap,
John Stern on
Street Gear, Frank
DiMeo on
The Tony Danza Show, Edward
Shefflied on
JAG, and John Cavil on
Battlestar Gallactica) plays her tenant
Billy Weaver.
Burt Mustin (see the
biography section for the 1961 post on
Leave It to Beaver) plays a dart player in the pub.
Season 6, Episode 20, "The Throwback":
Scott Marlowe (shown on the left, played Nick Koslo on
Suite, Eric Brady on
Days of Our
Lives, and Michael Burke on
Valley of
the Dolls) plays young lover Eliot Gray.
Joyce Meadows (Lynn Allen on
The Man and the Challenge,
Stacy on
Two Faces West, and Warden Lucille Osborn on
Days of Our Lives) plays his girlfriend Enid.
Murray Matheson (Felix
Mulholland on
Banacek) plays Enid''s
old boyfriend Cyril Hardeen.
John Indrisano (real-life professional boxer and
referee, played John the Chauffeur on
Crackerby!) plays Hardeen's manservant Joseph.
Bert Remsen (Detective
Lawrence on
Peyton Place, Mr. Pell on
Gibbsville, Mario on
It's a Living, and Jack Crager on
Dynasty) plays police detective Lt. Mosh.

Season 6, Episode 21, "The
Rip Torn (shown on the right, starred in
of Kings,
Sweet Bird of Youth,
Tropic of Cancer, and
The Cincinnati Kid and played Arthur on
The Larry Sanders Show and Don Geiss on
30 Rock) plays ex-con Ernie Walters.
Freed (appeared in
The Atomic City,
The Cobweb, and
Paths of Glory and played Rufe Ryker on
Shane) plays his nemesis police Det. Cooper.
Don Keefer (starred in
Death of a Salesman,
Hellcats of the Navy, and
Sleeper and played George on
Angel) plays a tax clerk.
MacMichael (Phyllis Pearson on
My Three Sons
and Winnie Kirkwood on
Mister Ed)
plays tax office customer Mrs. Simmons.
Harry Swoger (Harry the bartender on
The Big Valley) plays a taxi driver.
Season 6, Episode 22, "The
Horse Player":
Claude Rains (shown on the left, starred in
The Invisible Man,
Adventures of Robin Hood,
Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington,
Phantom of the Opera,
Notorious, and
Lawrence of Arabia) plays Catholic priest Father Amion.
Helton (Homer Cratchit on
The Beverly
Hillbillies) plays his usher Morton.
Ed Gardner (Archie on
Duffy's Tavern) plays horse race gambler
Charlie Sheridan.
Kenneth MacKenna (starred in
Man Trouble,
Temple Tower,
Judgment at Nuremberg) plays
Amion's superior Bishop Cannon.
David Carlile (Deputy Bookright on
The Long, Hot Summer) plays a bank

Season 6, Episode 23, "Incident
in a Small Jail":
John Fiedler (shown on the right, appeared in
12 Angry Men,
That Touch of
The World of Henry Orient,
Kiss Me, Stupid,
Girl Happy,
The Odd Couple, True
Grit and played Emil Peterson on
Bob Newhart Show and Woody on
Bill) plays traveling salesman Leon Gorwald.
Myron Healey (Doc Holliday on
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays
police deputy Carly.
Crahan Denton (appeared in
The Parent Trap,
Birdman of
Alcatraz, and
To Kill a Mockingbird)
plays his boss Sheriff Monty.
Richard Jaeckel (see the biography section for
the 1961 post on
Frontier Circus)
plays a suspected murderer.
Season 6, Episode 24, "A
Woman's Help":
Geraldine Fitzgerald (shown on the left, starred in
Wuthering Heights,
Three Strangers,
The Pawnbroker, and
Arthur and played Helen Eldridge on
Our Private World and Violet Jordan on
The Best of Everything) plays bed-ridden invalid Elizabeth Burton.
McKay (appeared in
Thirty Seconds Over
Duel in the Sun, and
The Bell Jar and played Bob Wallace on
Honestly, Celeste!) plays her husband
Antoinette Bower (Fox Devlin on
Rider) plays hired nurse Miss Greco.
Leon Lontoc (Henry on
Burke's Law) plays the Burtons' houseboy

Season 6, Episode 25, "Museum Piece":
Larry Gates
(starred in
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,
Some Came Running, and
The Young Savages and played H.B. Lewis
Guiding Light) plays museum
curator Mr. Hollister.
Myron McCormick (starred in
No Time for Sergeants and
Hustler) plays archeopsychologist Newton B. Clovis.
Bert Convy (starred in
Bucket of Blood,
Semi-Tough, and
Cannonball Run and played Glenn Hamilton on
Love of Life, Lt. Steve Ostrowski on
The Snoop Sisters,
Neil Townsend on
It's Not Easy) plays
Hollister's son Ben.
Edward Platt (shown on the right, appeared in
Rebel Without a Cause,
on the Wind,
Designing Woman, and
North by Northwest and played the
Chief on
Get Smart) plays District
Attorney Henshaw.
Charles Meredith (see "The Last Escape" above) plays the judge.
Season 6, Episode 26, "Coming,
Madge Kennedy (Aunt Martha Bronson on
Leave It to Beaver) plays demanding bed-ridden mother Mrs. Baldwin.
Eileen Heckart (shown on the left, appeared in
Somebody Up There
Likes Me,
Bus Stop,
The Bad Seed, and
Butterflies Are Free and played The Boss Angel on
Out of the Blue, Amy Decker on
Trauma Center, Jeanine on
Partners in Crime, Emma Block on
Annie Maguire, Emma Buchanan on
The 5 Mrs. Buchanans, and Frances Wyler
Murder One) plays her 35-year-old daughter
Don Defore (see the biography section for the 1961 post on
Hazel) plays Lucy's boyfriend Arthur
Arthur Malet (appeared in
In the Heat of the Night,
Heaven Can Wait and played Carl
Casablanca, Bobby on
Easy Street, and Ryan on
Dallas) plays Mrs. Baldwin's physician
Dr. Larson.
Robert Karnes (see the biography section for the 1961 post on
The Lawless Years) plays Mrs. Baldwin's
financial advisor Mr. Simon.
Gail Bonney (Goodwife Martin on
Space Patrol and Madeline Schweitzer on
December Bride) plays Arthur's mother
Mrs. Clark.
Jesslyn Fax (appeared in
The Music Man,
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, and
The Love God? and played Angela Devon on
Our Miss Brooks, Emma the fan club VP
The Jack Benny Program, and Wilma
Fritter on
Many Happy Returns) plays
the Baldwins' neighbor Mrs. Evans.

Season 6, Episode 27, "Deathmate":
Lee Philips (shown on the right, starred in
Peyton Place
The Hunters, and played Ellery
Queen on
The Further Adventures of Ellery
Queen; also directed 60 episodes of
The Andy Griffith Show and multiple episodes of
Peyton Place,
The Ghost and
Mrs. Muir,
The Doris Day Show,
The Waltons) plays hustler Ben
Les Tremayne (starred in
The War
of the Worlds (1953),
The Story of
The Slime People, and
The Fortune Cookie and played Inspector
Richard Queen in
The Further Adventures
of Ellery Queen) plays wealthy alcoholic Peter Talbot.
Gia Scala (starred
The Price of Fear,
The Big Boodle,
Don't Go Near the Water, and
Guns of Navarone) plays Talbot's wife Lisa.
Russell Collins (appeared in
Miss Sadie Thompson,
County, and
Fail-Safe and played
Owen Sharp on
Many Happy Returns)
plays private detective Alvin Moss.
Season 6, Episode 28, "Gratitude":
Peter Falk (shown on the left, starred in
Robin and the 7 Hoods,
Murder by Death, and
The Cheap Detective and played Daniel
O'Brien on
The Trials of O'Brien and
Columbo on
Columbo) plays casino
operator Meyer Fine.
Paul Hartman (Albie Morrison on
The Pride of the Family, Charlie on
Our Man Higgins, Emmett Clark on
The Andy Griffith Show and
R.F.D., and Bert Smedley on
Junction) plays his valet John.
Karl Lukas (Pvt. Stash Kadowski on
The Phil Silvers Show, Scotty on
Family Affair, and Carl the maintenance
man on
St. Elsewhere) plays Fine's
henchman Otto.
Clegg Hoyt (Mac on
Dr. Kildare) plays henchman Hubert.
John Dennis (Dutch Schultz on
The Lawless Years) plays casino operator
Joe Dumfee.
Bert Remsen (see "The Throwback" above) plays a police

Season 6, Episode 29, "The
Pearl Necklace":
Ernest Truex (Grandpa McHummer on
Jamie, Mr. Remington on
Peepers, Jason McCauley on
The Ann
Sothern Show, and Pop on
Pete and
Gladys) plays wealthy 65-year-old Howard Rutherford.
Hazel Court (shown on the right, starred
Devil Girl From Mars,
The Curse of Frankenstein,
The Raven, and
The Masque of the Red Death and played Jane Starrett on
Dick and the Duchess, Liz Woodruff on
12 O'Clock High, and Norma Hobart on
Dr. Kildare) plays his secretary Charlotte
Jack Cassidy (Tony Award-winning father of David and Shaun Cassidy and
husband of Shirley Jones, played Oscar North on
He & She) plays her boyfriend Mark Lansing.
Michael Burns (Howie
Macauley on
It's a Man's World and
Barnaby West on
Wagon Train) plays Lansing's
son Billy at age 10.
David Faulkner (Dr. Pagano on
Ryan's Hope) plays Billy at age 20.
Shirley O'Hara (Debbie Flett on
The Bob Newhart Show) plays Howard's
Season 6, Episode 30, "You
Can't Trust a Man":
Polly Bergen (shown on the left, singer and actress starred in
That's My Boy,
Escape From Fort Bravo,
Move Over, Darling,
Kisses for My President, and
Cry-Baby and played Doris Campbell on
Baby Talk, Kate Allen on
Commander in Chief, and Stella Wingfield
Desperate Housewives) plays
nightclub singer Crystal Coe.
Joe Maross (Fred Russell on
Peyton Place, Capt. Mike Benton on
Code Red, and Dr. Blakely on
plays her first husband Tony.
Frank Albertson (starred in
Alice Adams,
Man Made Monster,
It's a Wonderful Life and played
Mr. Cooper on
Bringing Up Buddy)
plays her second husband George Wyncliff.
Claire Carleton (Nell Mulligan on
The Mickey Rooney Show and Alice Purdy
Cimarron City) plays her maid
Walter Kinsella (Happy McMann on
Kane) plays a police lieutenant.
Andy Romano (appeared in
Beach Party,
Bikini Beach,
Pajama Party,
Beach Blanket Bingo,
How to Stuff a Wild Bikini, and
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini and
played Lt. Joe Caruso on
Get Christie
Love!, Frank Richards on
(1979), Warren Briscoe on
Hill Street
Blues, and Inspector Aiello on
Blue) plays a gas station attendant.

Season 6, Episode 31, "The
Gloating Place":
Susan Harrison (appeared in
The Sweet Smell of Success and
Witness and whose daughter, Darva Conger, was the bride of the ill-fated
reality show
Who Wants to Marry a
Multi-Millionaire?) plays high school student Susan Harper.
Marta Kristen (shown on the right, played Judy
Robinson on
Lost in Space) plays classmate
Marjorie Stone.
Hank Brandt (Leonard Waggedorn on
Julia, Morgan Hess on
and Dr. Aaron Kranzler on
Santa Barbara)
plays a police detective.
Erin O'Brien-Moore (appeared in
Little Men,
Destination Moon,
Peyton Place and played Margaret
Ruggles on
The Ruggles and Miss
Choate on
Peyton Place) plays Susan's
mother Linda.
King Calder (see "A Crime for Mothers" above) plays
Susan's father.
David Fresco (Albert Wysong on
Murder One) plays a newspaper photographer.
Eve McVeagh (starred in
High Noon,
The Glass Web, and
Tight Spot
and played Miss Hammond on
Petticoat Junction)
plays news reporter Eva.
Tyler McVey (Maj. Norgrath on
Men Into Space) plays police Sgt. Martin.
Season 6, Episode 32, "Self
George Nader (shown on the left, starred in
Lady Godiva of Coventry,
The Female Animal and played
Ellery Queen on
The Further Adventures of
Ellery Queen, Dr. Glenn Barton on
Man and the Challenge, and Joe Shannon on
Shannon) plays radio station engineer Gerald R. Clarke.
Jesslyn Fax
(see "Coming, Mama" above) plays liquor store owner Mrs. Gruber.
Paget (Gary on
Beach Heat Miami)
plays 18-year-old stick-up man Jimmy Phillips.
Audrey Totter (starred in
The Postman Always Rings Twice,
Lady in the Lake,
The Set-up, and
Any Number
Can Play and played Beth Purcell on
City, Alice MacRoberts on
Our Man Higgins,
Nurse Wilcox on
Medical Center) plays
Jimmy's mother Mrs. Phillips.
David Carlile (see "The Horse Player"
above) plays police Sgt. Krebs.

Season 6, Episode 33, "A
Secret Life":
Ronald Howard (Sherlock Holmes on
Sherlock Holmes, Stephen Britten on
Mary Britten, M.D., Wing Commander Hayes on
Cowboy in Africa, and Dr. John Dartington on
The Lotus Eaters) plays art gallery owner James Howgill.
Donahue (Hazel on
The Thin Man, Lucy
Hamilton on
Michael Shayne, and
Birdie Wells on
General Hospital)
plays his wife Marjorie.
Mary Murphy (appeared in
The Wild One,
The Mad Magician,
The Desperate Hours, and
Bonner) plays his new girlfriend Estelle.
Addison Richards (starred in
Boys Town,
They Made Her a Spy,
Flying Tigers,
The Deerslayer and played Doc
Calhoun on
Trackdown and Doc Landy on
The Deputy) plays his attorney Mr.
Arte Johnson (shown on the right, a regular performer on
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In who played Bascomb Bleacher, Jr. on
Sally, Cpl. Lefkowitz on
Don't Call Me Charlie, Clive Richlin on
Glitter) plays private detective Mr.
Season 6, Episode 34, "Servant
John Emery (appeared in
Comes Mr. Jordan,
Blood on the Sun,
The Woman in White, and
X-M) plays novelist Kerwin Drake.
Jo Van Fleet (shown on the left, Oscar winner starred in
East of Eden,
I'll Cry Tomorrow,
at the O.K. Corral,
Cool Hand Luke,
I Love You, Alice B. Toklas)
plays his missing wife Molly Goff.
Grandon Rhodes (Mr. Vanderlip on
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show,
Dr. Stevens on
Lassie, Dr. J.P.
Martin on
Bonanza, and the judge 16
times on
Perry Mason) plays his
publisher Howard Standish.
Alice Frost (Mama Holstrum on
The Farmer's Daughter) plays Standish's wife Lydia.
Joan Hackett (see
the biography section for the 1961 post on
The Defenders) plays Drake's fiance Sylvia Colton.
Bartlett Robinson (Willard
Norton on
Wendy and Me and Frank
Caldwell on
Mona McCluskey) plays
Sylvia's father George.
Kathryn Givney (appeared in
My Friend Irma,
A Place in
the Sun,
Three Coins in the Fountain,
Daddy Long Legs, and
Guys and Dolls and played Grandma
Collins on
My Three Sons) plays
Sylvia's mother.

Season 6, Episode 35, "Coming
Crahan Denton (see "Incident in a Small Jail" above)
plays ex-con Harry Beggs.
Jeanette Nolan (shown on the right, starred in
Macbeth (1948),
The Big Heat,
Tribute to a Bad Man, and
The Reluctant Astronaut, did voicework
The Rescuers, and
The Fox and
the Hound, and played Annette Devereaux on
Hotel de Paree and Holly Grainger on
The Virginian) plays his wife Edith.
Susan Silo (Rusty on
Harry's Girls and has been a prolific
voice actor on shows such as
The Fonz and
the Happy Days Gang,
James Bond, Jr.,
Where's Waldo?) plays bar hustler
Robert Carson (see "The Last Escape" above) plays the prison
Harry Swoger (see "The Kiss-Off" above) plays the prison
Season 6, Episode 36, "Final
Martin Balsam (shown on the left, starred in
12 Angry Men,
Breakfast at Tiffany's, and
Catch-22 and played Dr. Milton Orliff on
Dr. Kildare and Murray Klein on
Archie Bunker's Place) plays hen-pecked
office worker Leonard Thompson.
Vivian Nathan (appeared in
The Young Savages,
Outsider, and
Klute) plays his
invalid wife Elsie.
O.Z. Whitehead (appeared in
Beware, My Lovely,
The Man
Who Shot Liberty Valance, and
Lion in Winter) plays mortician Simms.
Bartlett Robinson (see "Servant
Problem" above) plays Elsie's physician Dr. Maxwell.
Slim Pickens (starred
The Story of Will Rogers,
Dr. Strangelove,
Blazing Saddles,
The Apple
Dumpling Gang,
Beyond the Poseidon
Adventure, and
The Howling and
played Slim on
Outlaws, Slim Walker
The Wide Country, California Joe
Milner on
Custer, and Sgt. Beauregard
Wiley on
B.J. & the Bear) plays
curio shop owner Bradshaw.
Susan Brown (Nancy Pollock Karr on
The Edge of Night, Martha Ferguson on
Bright Promise, Constance MacKenzie
Carson on
Return to Peyton Place,
Maggie Malone on
Mariah, Adelaide
Fitzgibbon on
As the World Turns,
Dorothy Lane on
Santa Barbara, and
Gail Baldwin on
General Hospital)
plays a secretary where Leonard works.
Bryan Russell (brother of actress
Jeannie Russell) plays neighborhood boy Billy Howard.

Season 6, Episode 37, "Make
My Death Bed":
Joe Flynn (see the biography section in the 1961 post on
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet)
plays jealous husband Ken Taylor.
Diana Van der Vlis (shown on the right, played Susan Ames Dunbar Carver
Secret Storm, Kate Prescott on
Where the Heart Is, and Dr. Nell Beaulac
Ryan's Hope) plays his flirtatious
wife Elise.
James Best (Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane on
The Dukes of Hazzard) plays farm equipment salesman Bish Darby.
Sherwood (appeared in
Cat on a Hot Tin
Sweet Bird of Youth, and
Hurry Sundown and played Reverend Mother
Superior Placido on
The Flying Nun,
Betty Eiler on
Guiding Light, and
Carmen on
The Secret Storm) plays
Bish's wife Jackie.
Dennis Rush (Howie Pruitt on
The Andy Griffith Show) plays their son Bob.
Biff Elliot (see
"A Crime for Mothers" above) plays the Taylors' friend Dr. Bob
Jocelyn Brando (Marlon Brando's sister, appeared in
The Big Heat,
The Ugly American,
The Chase,
Mommie Dearest and played Mrs.
Reeves on
Dallas) plays Hudson's wife
Alexander Lockwood (see "Self Defense" above) plays a
Season 6, Episode 38, "Ambition":
Leslie Nielsen (shown on the left, starred in
The Opposite Sex,
The Poseidon Adventure,
Airplane!, and the
Naked Gun trilogy and played Lt. Price Adams on
The New Breed, Victor & Kenneth
Markham on
Peyton Place, Harry Kleber
Dr. Kildare, Sam Danforth on
The Bold Ones: The Protectors, John
Bracken on
Bracken's World, and Det.
Frank Drebin on
Police Squad!) plays District
Attorney Rudy Cox.
Ann Robinson (starred in
War of the Worlds,
Dragnet, and
Midnight Movie Massacre and played Queen
Juliandra on
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger
and Helen Watkins on
Fury) plays his
wife Helen.
Harold J. Stone (John Kennedy on
The Grand Jury, Hamilton Greeley on
My World and Welcome to It, and Sam Steinberg on
Bridget Loves Bernie) plays mobster Mac
Syl Lamont (Yeoman Tate on
Navy) plays one of his henchmen.
Harry Landers (Dr. Ted Hoffman on
Ben Casey and was the spokesman for
Taster's Choice coffee) plays subordinate mobster Ernie Stillinger.
Kates (Lalley on
The Asphalt Jungle)
plays former mob accountant Lou Heinz.
Season 7, Episode 1, "The
Paul Ford (starred in
Kid From Texas,
The Teahouse of the
August Moon,
Advise & Consent,
The Music Man,
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, and
The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming and played Col.
John T. Hall on
The Phil Silvers Show
and Sam Bailey on
The Baileys of Balboa)
plays college biology Professor Jarvis.
Billy Gray (shown on the right, see the biography section
for the 1960 post on
Father Knows Best)
plays his student Perry Hatch.
Frank Maxwell (Duncan MacRoberts on
Our Man Higgins, Henry Coleman on
The Young Marrieds, Col. Garraway on
The Second Hundred Years, Capt. Nye on
Felony Squad, and Dan Rooney on
General Hospital) plays police Lt. Roman.
Season 7, Episode 2, "Bang!
You're Dead":
Bill Mumy (shown on the left, played Will Robinson on
Lost in Space, Weaver on
and Lennier on
Babylon 5) plays
5-year-old boy Jackie Chester.
Biff Elliot (starred in
I, the Jury,
House of Bamboo,
Pork Chop Hill) plays his father
Lucy Prentis (Lt. Wilma Deering on
Rogers) plays his mother Amy.
Stephen Dunne (Dr. Thomas Wilson on
Professional Father and Mike Brannagan
The Brothers Brannagan) plays his
uncle Rick Sheffield.
Juanita Moore (starred in
The Girl Can't Help
Imitation of Life, and
The Singing Nun) plays the Chesters' maid
Olan Soule (Aristotle "Tut" Jones on
Captain Midnight, Ray Pinker on
(1952-59), Cal on
Stagecoach West,
the Hotel Carlton desk clerk on
Have Gun
-- Will Travel, and Fred Springer on
and voiced Batman on
The All-New Super
Friends Hour,
Challenge of the
The World's Greatest
SuperFriends, and
Super Friends)
plays a bratty girl's father.
Karl Lukas (see "Gratitude" above)
plays a mailman.
John Zaremba (see the biography section for the 1961 post on
Ben Casey) plays grocery store manager
Marta Kristen (see "The Gloating Place" above) plays a Jiffy Snacks sample girl.
Craig Duncan (Sgt.
Stanfield/Banfield on
Mackenzie's Raiders)
plays grocery store clerk George Webster.
Mary Grace Canfield (Amanda Allison
The Hathaways, Harriet Kravitz on
Bewitched, and Ralph Monroe on
Green Acres) plays a grocery store
Season 7, Episode 3,
Norman Lloyd (starred in
A Walk in the Sun, and
and played Dr. Daniel Asuchlander on
Elsewhere, Dr. Marcus on
Home Fires,
and Dr. Isaac Mentnor on
Seven Days)
plays circus mind-reader Leo Torbey.
Nita Talbot (shown on the right, played Gloria on
Man Against Crime, Mabel Spooner on
Joe & Mabel, Lusti Weather on
Bourbon Street Beat, Dora Miles on
The Jim Backus Show, Marya on
Hogan's Heroes, Judy Evans on
Here We Go Again, Rose Casey on
Supertrain, Delfina on
General Hospital, and Rose on
Starting From Scratch) plays his wife
Edmund Hashim (Wayne Addison on
World) plays lion tamer El Magnifico.
Merry Anders (starred in
Calypso Heat Wave,
Escape From San Quentin,
of the Damned, and
Tickle Me and
played Joyce Erwin on
The Stu Erwin Show,
Val Marlowe on
It's Always Jan, Mike
McCall on
How to Marry a Millionaire,
Alice on
Never Too Young, and
Policewoman Dorothy Miller on
1967) plays shooting gallery assistant Lena.
Season 7, Episode 4, "Cop for
a Day":
Walter Matthau (shown on the left, starred in
Face in the Crowd,
The Fortune Cookie,
The Odd Couple,
Hello, Dolly!,
The Front Page,
The Sunshine Boys,
The Bad
News Bears, and
Grumpy Old Men and
played Lex Rogers on
Tallahassee 7000)
plays bank robber Phil.
Glenn Cannon (Manicote on
Hawaii Five-O and Dr. Ibold on
P.I.) plays his partner Davey.
Carol Grace (wife of actor Walter Matthau)
plays a witness to the robbery.
Bernard Fein (Pvt. Gomez on
The Phil Silvers Show) plays clothing
salesman Marty Hersh.
Susan Brown (Nancy Pollock Karr on
The Edge of Night, Ann Reynolds on
The Young Marrieds, Liz Fraser Allen on
From These Roots, Martha Ferguson on
Bright Promise, Constance MacKenzie Carson on
Return to Peyton Place, Maggie Malone on
Mariah, Adelaide Fitzgibbon on
the World Turns, Dorothy Lane on
Barbara, and Gail Baldwin on
General Hospital
Port Charles) plays his
George Kane (Link Morrison on
of Life) plays policeman Max Miller.
Season 7, Episode 5, "Keep Me
Anne Francis (shown on the right, starred in
Day at Black Rock,
Forbidden Planet,
Don't Go Near the Water, and
The Love God? and played Honey West on
Honey West and Arliss Cooper on
Dallas) plays newlywed Julia Reddy.
Edmund Hashim (see "Maria" above) plays her husband Marco.
Jack Ging
(see the biography section for the 1961 post on
Tales of Wells Fargo) plays police Det. Joe Parks.
Season 7, Episode 6, "Beta
Delta Gamma":
Burt Brinckerhoff (shown on the left, played Charles Shannon on
Dr. Kildare and directed multiple episodes of
Lou Grant,
Nine to Five,
Remington Steele,
ALF, and
7th Heaven)
plays college valedictorian and fraternity member Alan.
Barbara Steele (starred
Black Sunday,
The Pit and the Pendulum,
Horrible Dr. Hichcock,
Castle of
The Long Hair of Death,
Nightmare Castle, and
Shivers and played Dr. Julia Hoffman on
Dark Shadows (1991)) plays his romantic
pursuer Phyllis.
Joel Crothers (Lt. Nathan Forbes on
Dark Shadows, Julian Cannell on
Dr. Miles Cavanugh on
The Edge of Night,
and Jack Stanfield Lee on
Santa Barbara)
plays fraternity member Robert.
Barbara Harris (appeared in
A Thousand Clowns,
Plaza Suite,
Family Plot,
Freaky Friday, and
Rotten Scoundrels and played Susan Faraday on
Days of Our Lives) plays Robert's girlfriend Beth.
Severn Darden
(appeared in
Dead Heat on a
The President's
They Shoot Horses, Don't
Conquest of the Planet of the
Apes, and
Battle for the Planet of
the Apes and played Dr. Noah Wolf on
Five) plays fraternity member Franklin.
Season 7, Episode 7, "You
Can't Be a Little Girl All Your Life":
Carolyn Kearney (appeared in
Hot Rod Girl,
Young and Wild, and
The Thing
That Wouldn't Die and played Ellen Holt on
Lassie) plays brutal attack victim Julie Barton.
Dick York (shown on the right, see the
biography section for the 1962 post on
Going My Way) plays her husband Tom.
Bill Quinn (see the biography section for
the 1961 post on
The Rifleman) plays her
father Mr. Dutton.
Frank Milan (appeared in
Gold Racket,
Hollywood Cowboy,
And One Was Beautiful and played
one of the Committee Members on
Witness) plays her physician Dr. Vaughn.
Ted de Corsia (Police Chief
Hagedorn on
Steve Canyon) plays investigating
police Lt. Christensen.
Howard Caine (Schaab on
The Californians and Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter on
Hogan's Heroes) plays D.A.'s office
prosecutor Mr. Dahl.
Roger de Koven (Dr. Jim Spencer on
Days of Our Lives) plays mental hospital head Dr. Karlweiss.
Season 7, Episode 8, "The Old
Richard Conte (shown on the left, appeared in
Walk in the Sun,
13 Rue Madeleine,
Call Northside 777,
Ocean's 11, and
Lady in Cement and played Jeff Ryder on
The Four Just Men) plays retired hit-man Frank Burns.
Sara Shane
(appeared in
Magnificent Obsession,
Sign of the Pagan,
Three Bad Sisters, and
in Havana) plays his wife Loretta.
Stacey Harris (see the biography section
for the 1960 post on
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays blackmailing reporter Cullen.
John Anderson (see the
biography section for the 1960 post on
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays Burns' former employer Charlie
Richard Carlyle (Casey on
Photographer) plays Nicholson hit-man Mace.
Season 7, Episode 9, "I
William Kendall (appeared in
Idol on Parade,
A Touch of Larceny, and
The Trials of Oscar Wilde and played
Peter Fenby on
Portrait of Alison)
plays jealous husband Captain Morgan.
Kay Walsh (shown on the right, appeared in
The Spy in White,
Oliver Twist (1948),
Stranger in Between,
Dr. Syn, Alias the
Scrooge, and
The Ruling Class) plays his estranged
wife Mrs. Morgan.
Cecil Parker (appeared in
Cuckoo in the Nest,
The Man Who Lived
Storm in a Teacup,
The Ladykillers, and
Swiss Family Robinson) plays his
Eric Barker (appeared in
Brown's Schooldays (1916),
Carry On
Carry On Constable, and
The Mouse on the Moon and played
George Keyes on
Something in the City,
Oliver Coombs on
Compact, Inspector
Mole on
Cluff, and The President on
Danger Island) plays private detective
Harry Frute.
Elspeth Duxbury (appeared in
Mine Mink and
The Great St. Trinian's
Train Robbery and played Evie Wright on
Wright People, Miss Oldacre on
and Mrs. Aynesworth on
plays hotel maid Gladys.
Season 7, Episode 10,
"Services Rendered":
Stephen Dunne (shown on the left, see "Bang! You're Dead"
above) plays an amnesiac accident victim.
Percy Helton (see "The Horse
Player" above) plays alcoholic Cyrus Rutherford.
Bert Remsen (see
"The Throwback" above) plays bartender Jimmy.
Karl Lukas (see
"Gratitude" above) plays bar owner Uncle Ben.
Hugh Marlowe (starred
Twelve O'Clock High,
All About Eve,
The Day the Earth Stood Still, and
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers and played Ellery Queen on
Mystery Is My Business and Jim Matthews
Another World) plays physician Dr.
Ralph Mannix.
Season 7, Episode 11, "The
Right Kind of Medicine":
Robert Redford (shown on the right, starred in
Barefoot in the Park,
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,
Sting, and
All the President's Men)
plays jewelry store robber Charlie Marx.
Russell Collins (see
"Deathmate" above) plays pharmacist Mr. Fletcher.
Joby Baker (David
Lewis on
Good Morning, World and Col.
Harvey Mann on
The Six O'Clock Follies)
plays his clerk Vernon.
Bert Remsen (see "The Throwback" above) plays
police officer Pete. Robert Karnes (see "Coming, Mama" above) plays
Pete's police sergeant.
Gage Clarke (see the biography section for the 1961
post on
Gunsmoke) plays shady physician
Dr. Emmet Vogel.
Bernard Kates (see "Ambition" above) plays shooting
witness George Lassiter.
Harry Swoger (see "The Kiss-Off" above)
plays pharmacy customer Mr. Grissom.
Gail Bonney (see "Coming, Mama"
above) plays pharmacy customer Mrs. Lewis.
Season 7, Episode 12, "A Jury
of Her Peers":
Ray Teal (see the biography section for the 1961 post on
Bonanza) plays small-town neighbor Jim
Ann Harding (shown on the left, Oscar nominee, starred in
The Animal Kingdom,
Gallant Lady,
A Night of Terror,
Happened on Fifth Avenue, and
The Man
in the Gray Flannel Suit) plays his wife Sarah.
Robert Bray (Simon Kane on
Stagecoach West and Corey Stuart on
Lassie) plays local Sheriff Henry
Frances Reid (Grace Baker on
the World Turns, Rose Pollock on
Edge of Night, and Alice Horton on
of Our Lives) plays his wife Mary.
Philip Bourneuf (appeared in
Joan of Arc,
Chamber of Horrors, and
'n' Tillie and played Dr. Wickens on
Dr. Kildare) plays prosecutor George Henderson.