In The Twilight Zone
Companion, author Marc Scott Zicree includes a telling quote from Rod
Serling in April 1961 about his prior font of original ideas:
"I've never felt quite so
drained of ideas as I do at this moment. Stories used to bubble out of me so
fast I couldn't set them down on paper quick enough--but in the last two years
I've written forty-seven of the sixty-eight Twilight
Zone scripts, and I've done thirteen of the first twenty-six for next
season [Season 3]. I've written so much I'm woozy. It's just more than you
really should do. You can't retain quality. You start borrowing from yourself,
making your own clichés. I notice that more and more."
An examination of the episodes aired in 1961--the latter
two-thirds of Season 2 and the first one-third of Season 3--confirms Serling's
assessment: many of the same themes are dealt with that had been covered in
1959 and 1960, and some of the plots or themes just didn't work very well, even
some of those still fondly remembered today. But amongst the retreads are still
a few poignant reminders of why The
Twilight Zone is still considered one of the best dramatic series of its

But undoubtedly the worst time-travel episode is "Once
Upon a Time" (December 15, 1961) starring silent-film era comic Buster
Keaton. As Zicree relates, even teleplay author Richard Matheson, who devised
the story after meeting Keaton through a friend of his, was unhappy with the
results. The premise is that Keaton's character is janitor Woodrow Mulligan
working for an inventor who creates a time-travel helmet with a dial to choose
what year you wish to visit. Unhappy with everything about his 1890 existence,
from high prices to loud noises, Mulligan decides to take a trip to 1961 only
to find that everything there is much worse. While in 1961 Mulligan literally
runs into scientist Rollo, who for some unexplained reason has extensively
studied and developed a fondness for the 1890s. Rollo steals the helmet from
Mulligan, who chases after him through the city streets and finally latches on
to him just as they are sent back to the 1890s, where Mulligan is now perfectly
happy but which Rollo quickly becomes disenchanted with because of its lack of
modern conveniences and technology. The episode ends with Mulligan sending
Rollo back to his own time via the helmet and a tacked on lesson from Serling
to stay in your own backyard. But the entire plot is merely an excuse to let
Keaton reprise his slapstick humor from his silent-film days. In fact, all the
1890s scenes are done in silent-film style, with dialogue cards rather than
spoken sound. Ironically, however, the real lesson of "Once Upon a
Time" is that Keaton's brand of physical comedy doesn't play as well in
1961, or in contemporary times either.
Another star vehicle with a similar message is "The
Mind and the Matter" (May 12, 1961) which portrays comic Shelley Berman as
misanthropic office worker Archibald Beechcroft, who is annoyed by everyone
around him. After being given a book on the power of the mind by klutzy office
boy Henry, Beechcroft uses his newfound mental powers to first get rid of all
the other people in his life, but this only leaves him bored. So he decides to
populate his world with the only people he can stand--himself. But he soon
learns that having to listen to his own constant whining and complaining is extremely
unpleasant, so he reverts the world back to what it was, now completely content
with all of life's little ups and downs, like having Henry spill things on him,
because he has seen the alternative and found it lacking. This episode and
"Once Upon a Time" offer a rather conservative argument in favor of
the status quo that is surprising given Serling's normally progressive outlook
on the foibles of mankind. More in line with his perspective is "The
Obsolete Man" (June 2, 1961), which depicts in Kafkaesque terms the
dangers of an all-powerful state over the rights of the individual and the
importance of free thought.
As with the depiction of time travel, the 1961 episodes
showing alien life forms are more laughable than frightening, though often the
intent is to show humor rather than fear. "Mr. Dingle, the Strong"
(March 3, 1961) begins with a two-headed, one-bodied Martian creature and ends
with a pair of heavily made-up child actors portraying a pair of Venusians in a
farce about aliens performing experiments on an unwitting human to see the
effects of giving him unlimited strength or intelligence. The only lessons
learned from these experiments is that humans are likely to foolishly use their
increased powers for cheap parlor tricks that gain them attention rather than
anything that might benefit their species or their world. In "Will the
Real Martian Please Stand Up" (May 26, 1961) a witnessed UFO crash landing
leads a pair of state troopers to an isolated diner where one of the customers
is assumed to be the missing Martian from the ditched spacecraft. The plot
plays out like the stereotypical whodunit as we try to guess which diner
customer is the Martian based on what they say in response to the trooper's
questions. The final scene throws in an out-of-left field curveball much like a
Perry Mason courtroom confession that
marks the episode as little more than a pulp mystery story. The same could be
said for "The Invaders" (January 27, 1961), which takes itself much
more seriously in a nearly wordless, over-wrought script that has Agnes
Moorehead playing a rustic frontier woman battling a crashed UFO with what look
like two tiny wind-up robots that shoot sparks and can also wield a kitchen
knife to cut her on the hand.
Though Zicree considers it too messianic, a much more
effective episode dealing with UFOs is "The Shelter" (September 29,
1961), in which a reported UFO brings out the worst in earthlings much like the
1960 episode "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street." The drama in
"The Shelter" opens with a birthday party for long-time physician Dr.
Bill Stockton given by his appreciative neighbors. They tease him about
building a bomb shelter in his basement until a radio report says that UFOs
have been spotted overhead, throwing everyone into a panic. Suddenly everyone
who scoffed at Stockton's shelter wants him to let them in, but he refuses
because he says it was designed to only accommodate three people--himself, his
wife, and his son. After Stockton shuts himself and his family inside, his
neighbors become more frantic and wind up getting a long piece of pipe to use
as a battering ram, breaking down the door and effectively ruining the
shelter's protection just as the radio announces that the UFOs turned out to be
harmless satellites. Though the neighbors apologize and promise to pay for any
required repairs, the damage has been done and cannot be fixed. Stockton is
appalled that the threat of alien attack ripped off the veneer of civility and turned
everyone into animals. During their frenzy one of the neighbors had suggested
that another neighbor, an immigrant, was less deserving of protection because
immigrants come over to "our" country and try to grab everything for
themselves. The real terror and the power of this episode, even if it is a
retread, is that the greatest threat to humanity is humans themselves.
An equally powerful episode with an anti-war message is
"A Quality of Mercy" (December 29, 1961) in which Dean Stockwell
plays a green army lieutenant on the Philippine Islands at the end of World War
II. Assigned to a regiment of U.S. infantry that has roughly 20 injured and
worn-out Japanese trapped in a cave, Stockwell's Lt. Katell wants to mount a
quick assault to wipe them out but finds that his regiment of war-weary men
haven't the stomach for slaughter, they themselves also worn out by killing. In
upbraiding their lack of aggression, Katell reminds them that in war you kill
the enemy and keep killing them until ordered to stop, but when he accidentally
drops his binoculars, an instrument meant to enhance one's vision, he gets a
view of the other side of battle, transformed into a Japanese Lt. Yamuri faced
with a similar cave full of injured American soldiers three years earlier.
Yamuri feels empathy for the Americans, since he was so recently one of them,
but is upbraided by his Japanese captain, who repeats the same arguments he
just made about the necessity of killing the enemy in war. Serling's script
expertly captures the fallacy of reducing another race to sub-human status in
order to justify their elimination, a line of argument used by humans throughout
history to exploit and abuse other living beings. But once Katell/Yamuri has
"walked a mile in the other man's shoes," his bloodthirsty ambition
has been replaced with the mercy alluded to in the title.
Some of the year's more popular episodes don't have quite
the same depth because they offer little more than a clever twist or situation
without any application beyond their fictional worlds. An example is "It's
a Good Life" (November 3, 1961) in which Bill Mumy plays omnipotent yet petulant
6-year-old Anthony Fremont who keeps his parents and neighbors in constant fear
with his ability to banish them or turn them into something monstrous if they
do anything that displeases him or say anything bad about him. While this
dynamic could be construed as reflecting any situation in which people are
afraid to speak up against tyrannical behavior, whether in the political,
corporate, or familial worlds, the problem with the episode is that there is no
narrative development--things do not change. The climactic scene comes when the
honoree of a birthday party gets drunk, loosening his tongue so that he can
express how awful their existence is cow-towing to Anthony's whims, but when he
urges that they gang up on Anthony and kill him to free themselves, no one
makes a move, and Anthony responds by turning the man into a jack-in-the-box. Everyone
then simply returns to their fawning praise of Anthony for doing a "good
thing," making the episode more of a vignette than a narrative.
"Five Characters in Search of an Exit" (December
22, 1961) shows five disparate characters trapped inside some kind of tall
cylinder with a light above it and an occasional ringing sound like a bell that
vibrates the entire cylinder violently. An army major, the last character to
arrive in the cylinder, insists on devising a method to escape, but once he
does, using a human ladder and a rope tied around his broken sword serving as a
kind of Bat-arang to pull himself over the top, we discover that the five
characters are all toys inside a Salvation Army-style donation trash can. At
some existential level perhaps there's a comment here about not knowing who we
really are or understanding the world we live in (a common theme in many Twilight Zone episodes), but it seems we
have expended a lot of time and mental energy for such a tepid conclusion.

In recounting the origins of the series, Zicree describes
how Serling sought a canvas where he could probe substantial human issues under
the cover of the fantastic to ward off sponsor and network interference over
controversial content. However, like one of his characters who doesn't
anticipate the after-effects of some bold action, Serling failed to realize
that the rigors of producing 30-40 TV episodes each season would tax his
creative powers and force him to make compromises that are the bane of every
idealistic artist. As he soldiered on into Season 3 in the fall of 1961, being
forced to recycle themes and plots, Serling himself may have felt that he was
lost somewhere in The Twilight Zone.
The Actors
For the biography of Rod Serling, see the 1960 post on The Twilight Zone.
Notable Guest Stars
Season 2, Episode 12,
"Dust": Thomas Gomez (appeared in Ride
the Pink Horse, Key Largo, The Woman on Pier 13, and Beneath the Planet of the Apes) plays traveling
peddler Peter Sykes. John A. Alonso (shown on the left, cinematographer on Vanishing Point, Harold and
Maude, Lady Sings the Blues, Chinatown, Scarface, Steel Magnolias,
and Star Trek: Generations) plays convicted
felon Luis Gallegos. Vladimir Sokoloff (appeared in The Life of Emile Zola, Road
to Morocco, For Whom the Bell Tolls,
Back to Bataan, and I Was a Teenage Werewolf) plays his
father. John Larch (starred in The
Wrecking Crew, Play Misty for Me,
and Dirty Harry and played Deputy
District Attorney Jerry Miller on Arrest
and Trial, Gerald Wilson on Dynasty,
and Arlen & Atticus Ward on Dallas)
plays small-town Sheriff Koch. Paul Genge (Lt. Burns on 87th Precinct) plays grieving father John Canfield. Dorothy Adams (appeared
in Laura, The Best Years of Our Lives, The
Winning Team, and The Killing)
plays his wife. Jon Lormer (Harry Tate on Lawman,
various autopsy surgeons and medical examiners in 12 episodes of Perry Mason, and Judge Irwin A. Chester
on Peyton Place) plays a man
attending Luis' hanging.

Season 2, Episode 14, "The
Whole Truth": Jack Carson (starred in Gentleman
Jim, Arsenic and Old Lace, Mildred Pierce, Romance on the High Seas, Red
Garters, and A Star Is Born)
plays sleazy used car salesman Harvey Hunnicut. Arte Johnson (a regular
performer on Rowan & Martin's
Laugh-In who played Bascomb Bleacher, Jr. on Sally, Cpl. Lefkowitz on Don't
Call Me Charlie, and Clive Richlin on Glitter)
plays his understudy Irv. George Chandler (Mac Benson on Waterfront, Uncle Petrie Martin on Lassie, and Ichabod Adams on Ichabod
and Me) plays an old man with a haunted car. Jack Ging (Beau McCloud on Tales of Wells Fargo, Dr. Paul Graham on
The Eleventh Hour, Lt. Dan Ives on Mannix, Lt. Ted Quinlan on Riptide, and Gen. Harlan
"Bull" Fullbright on The A-Team)
plays a young car buyer. Patrick Westwood (Mian Rukn Din on The Indian Tales of Rudyard Kipling)
plays Nikita Krushchev's interpreter.

Season 2, Episode 17, "Twenty Two": Barbara
Nichols (Ginger on Love That Jill)
plays exotic dancer Liz Powell. Jonathan Harris (shown on the left, played Bradford Webster on The Third Man, Mr. Phillips on The Bill Dana Show, Dr. Zachary Smith on
Lost in Space, and Commander Gampu on
Space Academy) plays her doctor. Fredd
Wayne (Sgt. Bill Hollis on Code 3)
plays her agent Barney Kamener. Arlene Martel (Tiger on Hogan's Heroes and Spock's Vulcan bride on Star Trek) plays the morgue nurse. Mary Adams (see the biography
section for the 1961 post on Window on Main Street) plays the day nurse. Norma Connolly (Ruby Anderson on General Hospital) plays the night nurse.
Wesley Lau (see the biography section for the 1961 post on Perry Mason) plays an airline ticket agent.
Season 2, Episode 18, "The Odyssey of Flight 33": John
Anderson (see the biography section for the 1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) plays airline pilot Skipper
Farver. Sandy Kenyon (Des Smith on Crunch
and Des, Shep Baggott on The Travels
of Jaimie McPheeters, and Reverend Kathrun on Knots Landing) plays navigator Hatch. Wayne Heffley (Officer Dennis
on Highway Patrol and Vern Scofield
on Days of Our Lives) plays second
officer Wyatt. Paul Comi (see the biography section for the 1961 post on Ripcord) plays first officer John Craig.
Nancy Rennick (Patty Johnson on Rescue 8)
plays stewardess Paula. Lester Fletcher (Mr. Divine on Down to Earth) plays a passenger in the RAF.

Season 2, Episode 20, "Static": Dean Jagger (starred
in Brigham Young, Twelve O'Clock High, White Christmas, Bad Day at Black Rock, and Elmer
Gantry and played Albert Vane on Mr.
Novak) plays boarding house resident Ed Lindsay. Robert Emhardt (Sgt.
Vinton on The Kids From C.A.P.E.R.)
plays boarding house resident Professor Ackerman. Arch Johnson (starred in Somebody Up There Likes Me, G.I. Blues, and The Cheyenne Social Club and played Gus Honochek on The Asphalt Jungle and Cmdr. Wivenhoe on
Camp Runamuck) plays boarding house
resident Roscoe Bragg. Alice Pearce (appeared in On the Town, The Opposite Sex,
Dear Heart, Kiss Me, Stupid, and The
Glass Bottom Boat and played Gladys Kravitz on Bewitched) plays boarding house owner Mrs. Nielson. Stephen Talbot
(son of Lyle Talbot, played Gilbert Bates on Leave It to Beaver, and served as produce on Frontline, Frontline/World,
and Independent Lens) plays a young
boy who helps move a radio. Clegg Hoyt (Mac on Dr. Kildare) plays a junk shopkeeper.
Season 2, Episode 21, "The Prime Mover": Dane
Clark (starred in Destination Tokyo, God Is My Co-Pilot, and That Way With Women and played Richard
Adams on Justice, Dan Miller on Wire Service, Slate Shannon on Bold Venture, and Lt. Arthur Tragg on The New Perry Mason) plays diner owner
Ace Larsen. Christine White (Abigail Adams on Ichabod and Me) played his girlfriend Kitty Cavanaugh. Buddy Ebsen
(shown on the left, played Sgt. Hunk Marriner on Northwest Passage,
Jed Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies,
Barnaby Jones on Barnaby Jones, and
Roy Houston on Matt Houston) plays his
super-powered friend Jimbo Cobb.
Season 2, Episode 22, "Long Distance Call": Bill
Mumy (shown on the right, played Will Robinson on Lost in Space,
Weaver on Sunshine, and Lennier on Babylon 5) plays sheltered little boy
Billy Bayles. Philip Abbott (starred in Sweet
Bird of Youth and played Arthur Ward on The
F.B.I., Dr. Alex Baker on General
Hospital, and Grant Stevens on The
Young and the Restless) plays his father Chris. Patricia Smith (Charlotte
Landers on The Debbie Reynolds Show
and Margaret Hoover on The Bob Newhart
Show) plays his mother Sylvia. Henry Hunter (Doctor Summerfield on Hazel) plays a doctor.
Season 2, Episode 23, "A Hundred Yards Over the Rim":
Cliff Robertson (shown on the near left, starred in Picnic, The Naked and the Dead, Gidget, PT 109, The Devil's Brigade,
Charly, and Three Days of the Condor and played Rod Brown on Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers, Shame
on Batman, Dr. Michael Ranson on Falcon Crest, and Hal Malloy on The Lyon's Den) plays western settler
Christian Horn. John Astin (shown on the far left, appeared in That
Touch of Mink, The Wheeler Dealers,
Move Over, Darling, Viva Max, and Freaky Friday and played Harry Dickens on I'm Dickens, He's Fenster, Gomez Addams on The Addams Family, Rudy Pruitt on The Phyllis Diller Show, Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Sherman on Operation Petticoat, Ed LaSalle on Mary, Buddy Ryan on Night Court, Radford on Eerie,
Indiana, and Prof. Albert Wickwire on The
Adventures of Briscoe County, Jr.) plays fellow traveler Charlie. Ken Drake
(Bragan on Not for Hire) plays another
traveler. John Crawford (appeared in Zombies
of the Stratosphere, John Paul Jones,
Exodus, and The Americanization of Emily and played Chief Parks on Police Woman and Sheriff Ep Bridges on The Waltons) plays diner owner Joe. Evan
Evans (widow of John Frankenheimer, appeared in All Fall Down, Bonnie and
Clyde, and The Iceman Cometh)
plays his wife Mary Lou. Edward Platt (appeared in Rebel Without a Cause, Written
on the Wind, Designing Woman, and
North by Northwest and played the
Chief on Get Smart) plays a doctor.
Robert McCord (Captain Amos Fry on Yancy
Derringer) plays the sheriff.
Season 2, Episode 24, "The Rip Van Winkle Caper": Oscar
Beregi, Jr. (see the biography section for the 1961 post on The Untouchables) plays criminal
mastermind Mr. Farwell. Simon Oakland (starred in Psycho, West Side Story, and Follow
That Dream and played Tony Vincenzo on Kolchak:
The Night Stalker, Brig. Gen. Thomas Moore on Black Sheep Squadron, and Sgt. Abrams on David Cassidy - Man Undercover) plays demolitions expert De Cruz. Lew
Gallo (Major Joseph Cobb on 12 O'Clock
High and directed multiple episodes of That
Girl, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Love American Style, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, and The New Mike Hammer) plays weapons
expert Brooks. John Mitchum (see the biography section for the 1960 post on Riverboat) plays mechanical engineer
Erbie. Wallace Rooney (Andrew Winters on The
Doctors) plays highway driver George.
Season 2, Episode 25, "The Silence": Franchot Tone
(shown on the near right, starred in Moulin Rouge (1934), Mutiny on the Bounty, Fast and Furious, Dark Waters, and I Love
Trouble and played Dr. Daniel Niles Freeland on Ben Casey) plays club member Col. Archie Taylor. Jonathan Harris (shown on the far right, see
"Twenty Two" above) plays his lawyer George Alfred. Liam Sullivan (Major
Mapoy on The Monroes, Dr. Joseph
Lerner on The Young and the Restless,
and Mr. Willis on Knots Landing)
plays loudmouth Jamie Tennyson. Cyril Delevanti (see "A Penny for Your
Thoughts" above) plays club waiter Franklin.
Season 2, Episode 26, "Shadow Play": Dennis Weaver
(shown on the left, see the biography section for the 1960 post on Gunsmoke) plays convicted murderer Adam Grant. Harry Townes (starred
in The Brothers Karamazov, Screaming Mimi, and Sanctuary) plays D.A. Henry Ritchie. Wright King (see the biography
section for the 1960 post on Wanted: Dead or Alive) plays newspaper editor Paul Carson. Bernie Hamilton (Capt. Harold
Dobey on Starsky and Hutch) plays
inmate Cooley.
Season 2, Episode 27, "The Mind and the Matter": Shelley
Berman (shown on the right, legendary Grammy-winning comedian, appeared in The Best Man, Divorce
American Style, Teen Witch, and Meet The Fockers and played Ben Flicker
on L.A. Law, Judge Robert Sanders on Boston Legal, and Nat David on Curb Your Enthusiasm) plays misanthrope
Archibald Beechcroft. Jack Grinnage (appeared in Rebel Without a Cause, King
Creole, and Wolf Larsen and
played Ron Updyke on Kolchak: The Night
Stalker) plays office boy Henry.
Season 2, Episode 28, "Will the Real Martian Please
Stand Up?": Barney Phillips (shown on the left, played Sgt. Ed Jacobs on the original Dragnet, Lt. Sam Geller on Johnny Midnight, Lt. Avery on The Brothers Brannagan, Doc Kaiser on 12 O'Clock High, Mike Golden on Dan August, and Fletcher Huff on The Betty White Show) plays a diner
counterman. John Hoyt (starred in My
Favorite Brunette, The Lady Gambles,
and Blackboard Jungle and played
Grandpa Stanley Kanisky on Gimme a Break!)
plays business traveler Ross. Jack Elam (Deputy J.D. Smith on The Dakotas, George Taggart on Temple Houston, Zack Wheeler on The Texas Wheelers, and Uncle Alvin
Stevenson on Easy Street) plays old
man Avery. Jean Willes (appeared in Invasion
of the Body Snatchers, Ocean's 11,
and Gypsy) plays professional dancer
Ethel McConnell. Bill Erwin (Joe Walters on My Three Sons and Glenn Diamond on Struck
by Lightning) plays long-time husband Peter Kramer. Gertrude Flynn
(appeared in War and Peace, Rome Adventure, and Funny Girl and played Anna Sawyer on Days of Our Lives) plays his wife Rose. Morgan Jones (see the
biography section for the 1960 post on The Blue Angels) plays state trooper Dan Perry.
Season 2, Episode 29, "The Obsolete Man": Burgess
Meredith (see "Mr. Dingle, the Strong" above) plays librarian Romney
Wordsworth. Fritz Weaver (starred in Fail-Safe,
The Maltese Bippy, Marathon Man, and The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) and played Hugo Marick on All My Children) plays the state

Season 3, Episode 3, "The
Shelter": Larry Gates (starred in Cat
on a Hot Tin Roof, Some Came Running,
and The Young Savages and played H.B.
Lewis on Guiding Light) plays suburban
Dr. Bill Stockton. Peggy Stewart (starred in Oregon Trail, Son of Zorro,
and Desert Vigilante and played
Cherien's mother on The Riches) plays
his wife Grace. Michael Burns (Howie Macauley on It's a Man's World and Barnaby West on Wagon Train) plays his son Paul. Jack Albertson (starred in Days of Wine and Roses, Kissin' Cousins, The Flim-Flam Man, and Willie
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and played Lt. Harry Evans on The Thin Man, Walter Burton on Room for One More, Lt. Cmdr. Virgil
Stoner on Ensign O'Toole, Paul Fenton
on Mister Ed, and Ed Brown on Chico and the Man) plays neighbor Jerry
Harlowe. Jo Helton (Nurse Conant on Dr. Kildare) plays Harlowe's wife Martha. Sandy Kenyon (see "The Odyssey
of Flight 33" above) plays neighbor Frank Henderson. Mary Gregory
(appeared in Sleeper and Coming Home and played Dr. Stanwhich on Knots Landing and Judge Pendleton on L.A. Law) plays Henderson's wife.

Season 3, Episode 10, "The
Midnight Sun": Lois Nettleton (Sue Kramer on Accidental Family, Joanne St. John on In the Heat of the Night, and Evelyn on Crossing Jordan) plays painter Norma. Jason Wingreen (Dr. Aaron
Clark on The Long, Hot Summer, Harry
Snowden on All in the Family and Archie Bunker's Place, and Judge Arthur
Beaumont on Matlock) plays departing
resident Mr. Shuster. Tom Reese (starred in Taggart,
The Money Trap, and Murderers' Row and played Sgt. Thomas
Velie on Ellery Queen) plays an
intruder. William Keene (played various reverends on The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry
R.F.D.) plays a doctor. Robert Stevenson (bartender Big Ed on Richard Drum and Marshal Hugh Strickland
on Stagecoach West) plays a radio

Season 3, Episode 14, "Five
Characters in Search of an Exit": William Windom (appeared in To Kill a Mockingbird, The Americanization of Emily, and Escape From the Planet of the Apes and played
Congressman Glen Morley on The Farmer's
Daughter, John Monroe on My World and
Welcome to It, Larry Krandall on Brothers
and Sisters, Frank Buckman on Parenthood,
and Dr. Seth Hazlitt on Murder, She Wrote)
plays an army major. Murray Matheson (Felix Mulholland on Banacek) plays a clown. Susan Harrison (appeared in The Sweet Smell of Success and Key Witness and whose daughter, Darva
Conger, was the bride of the ill-fated reality show Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?) plays a ballerina. Kelton
Garwood (Beauregard O'Hanlon on Bourbon
Street Beat and Percy Crump on Gunsmoke)
plays a hobo. Mona Houghton (daughter of producer Buck Houghton and screenwriter for The Young and the Restless, Another
World, and Knots Landing) plays a
young girl.