Today it is usually lumped in with the also-ran westerns of
the 1950s and 1960s, behind such ratings leaders as Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and Have Gun--Will Travel, but as we touched
on in our post about the 1960 episodes, The
Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp was perhaps the more innovative series in its
use of historical events and characters and its experimentation with story arc
continuity. As we mentioned in our last post on this program, dramatic
television series employed a strictly episodic structure in which each show was
a self-contained narrative that rarely ever referred to events from earlier
shows. But the producers of Wyatt Earp
obviously had a more continuous structure in mind by setting the series' first
four episodes in Ellsworth, Kansas before having Earp move on to his next stop
in his law enforcement career in Wichita for the remainder of Season 1 and the
first episode of Season 2. Starting with the second episode of Season 2 he
advances to his next destination of Dodge City for three seasons and then
finishes the series in Tombstone, Arizona over the final two seasons. While
most of the episodes prior to Season 6 were unrelated, the overall progression
of the series followed the geographical sequence of the real-life Earp's
But the way the producers chose to end the series over the
last half of Season 6 was perhaps the first instance of a continuous story arc
in dramatic television history. To see how revolutionary this technique was,
consider that authors David Marc & Robert J. Thompson in their book Prime Time Prime Movers credit producer
Stephen J. Cannell with originating the concept of the story arc for prime-time
dramas (as opposed to the drawn-out, glacially paced narrative arcs used in
daytime soap operas) in his series Wiseguy
26 years after Wyatt Earp:
The obvious innovation of Wiseguy [in 1987] was Cannell's
introduction of the "arc" structure to prime-time series television.
This is a formatting hybrid that introduces elements of nighttime soap opera
(e.g., Dallas, Hill Street Blues) into the content of the traditional
action/adventure series. A Wiseguy
story might extend for eight or ten weeks by making use of direct
episode-to-episode narrative continuity. This "arc" would then come
to a narrative climax.
Though his life had many twists and turns afterward, Earp is
probably best remembered for his shoot-out with Clanton-gang-affiliated outlaws
at the O.K. Corral in 1881. The series begins to hint that this will also be the
defining event of the final season as a new opening credits sequence is used in
most of the 1961 episodes featuring Wyatt stopping to pose with a sign for the
O.K. Corral featured prominently in the background. Then in "Doc Holliday
Faces Death" (February 28, 1961) we are introduced to the trope that
Earp's staunchest supporter (though he often scoffs at his friend's upright
defense of the law at his own peril) is in ill health and that he has a strong
dislike for Frank and Tom McLowery, feared gunmen working for Old Man Clanton.
In this episode, Holliday is literally drinking himself to death and Earp tries
to intervene by conspiring with all the bartenders in town to serve Holliday
only a watered-down version of his favorite brand of whiskey. Holliday's
failing health is referred to several more times in the remaining episodes, and
in the climactic penultimate episode "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral"
(June 20, 1961), he exits his hotel walking with a cane and is given a shotgun
to use in the great gunfight because Earp's brother Virgil assumes that his aim
is no longer what it once was due to his debilitated condition.
After several more unrelated episodes, the thread of the
story is picked up again in "Until Proven Guilty" (April 11, 1961)
where we first see the fissures beginning to form in the Clanton gang when
Curly Bill Brocious and Johnny Ringo object to patriarch Old Man Clanton that
their bought-and-paid-for sheriff Johnny Behan has taxed them for cattle stolen
during a job in which Behan himself participated. Though they want to do him
harm, Clanton tells them to leave him alone because he is too valuable to the
organization due to his connections to the corrupt political hierarchy in
Tucson. Knowing that Holliday hates Behan and will resort to tactics that Earp
would reject, Brocious and Ringo persuade Holliday to help them frame Behan for
a stage robbery their men commit by having an actress that Behan is courting (and
over whom Holliday has leverage concerning her past) plant some of the stolen
money on him. Earp sniffs out the frame-up but is almost hung by Brocious
before Clanton is also tipped off and stops the hanging to avoid having the
federal government on his neck, but the bad blood between Brocious and Ringo
against Clanton and Earp has not abated.
After two more unrelated episodes, the plot picks up again
in "The Law Must Be Fair" (May 2, 1961), which centers around the
McLowerys, who wind up moving into Tombstone into a house owned by Clanton next
to the O.K. Corral, which he also owns, to placate Tom McLowery's wife Aithra,
a city girl from Chicago who can't stand living on a ranch. But Brocious and
Ringo, in their quest to take over the Clanton gang operations, see this as an
opportunity to get rid of Clanton's two best gunmen by planting a dead corpse
in the corral's stable so that the McLowerys will be suspected of murder. Wyatt
doesn't think the McLowerys killed the dead man because he was hanged and their
modus operandi is typically shooting, but he is forced to arrest them until he
can prove who the real killer was. The hanging looks like the typical fate out-of-town
rancher Captain Roland reserves for cattle rustlers, so Earp sends Holliday out
to Roland's ranch to see if he has hung anybody recently, while Clanton rounds
up his gang, including Brocious, to try to break the McLowerys out of jail.
Holliday gets back into town just in time to stop Clanton's gang from
overpowering Earp and Shotgun Gibbs and brings news that Roland confirmed he
gave the body of the dead rustler to Brocious and Ringo, who claimed the
deceased was a friend of his that he wanted to give a proper burial. While they
are talking Brocious sneaks off to his horse and rides off with Clanton cursing
after him, but it won't be Brocious' last attempt against Clanton.
This episode is immediately followed by a rarity in early
1960s television--a well-orchestrated send-off for a long-time primary
character in "A Papa for Butch and Ginger" (May 9, 1961). More common
for the era was the disappearance of recurring characters with no explanation
for their departure or a brief reference to where they went after they have
already departed. But in the run-up to the fateful "Gunfight at the O.K.
Corral," the producers began clearing the decks of characters who weren't
around for the final melee. Earp's trusted deputy Shotgun Gibbs, a fictional
creation rather than a historical figure, was the first to go. In this episode
Gibbs meets a widow with two young children trying to make a wagon trip to
Colorado while being taken advantage of by unscrupulous ruffians she has hired
to accompany her. Her two young children, Butch and Ginger, take an immediate
liking to Gibbs, who runs off one of her antagonists, and though he won't admit
it at first, Gibbs takes a liking to the widow Byfield as well. Holliday is the
first to sense Gibbs' attraction and knowing that Gibbs feels beholden to Earp
and his duty as a deputy, Holliday begins working on Earp to convince him that
it would be in Gibbs' best interests to marry the widow and accompany her to
Colorado. Holliday even tells Earp that Gibbs will one day meet his death from
a faster and heavier armed gunslinger since Gibbs only uses a double-barreled
shotgun and has to reload after two shots. So Earp finds a flimsy excuse to
fire Gibbs for not following orders but can't face him as he tells him he is
dismissed. The final scene shows Gibbs driving the widow's wagon with her by
his side trying to convince him that Earp fired him out of love not animosity,
while Butch and Ginger ride behind the wagon on Gibbs' beloved mule Roscoe. This
sort of farewell is today standard practice but in 1961 it was quite
However, finding a replacement for Gibbs proves to be a
challenge for Earp as the next episode, "Hiding Behind a Star" (May
23, 1961), shows Earp hiring a deputy who proves to be a sadistic psychopath as
well as a bigamist who is finally exposed and arrested. Gibbs' departure is
also the driving force two episodes later in Mayor Clum summoning Earp's
brothers Virgil and Morgan from Prescott, Arizona to help support Wyatt against
an increasingly fractious Clanton gang, which is thrown into disarray by the
next major character send-off depicted in "Requiem for Old Man
Clanton" (May 30, 1961). Though Brocious and Ringo have attempted to
undermine Clanton at least twice in previous episodes and he is aware of their
machinations, he still does not take seriously enough the warning that they may
try to ambush him when he goes below the Mexican border to bring back a herd of
stolen cattle because the warning comes from Earp. He also reasons that
Brocious and Ringo won't attack him because some of the cattle he is bringing
back belong to them, but he doesn't realize that they have paid off a long-time
nemesis of his, the Mexican bandit king Don Pedro, to ambush him. Though Earp
and Holliday try to find Don Pedro and stop the attack, they are too late, and
Clanton and his helpers are gunned down by the bandits. Clanton's killing is
remarkably violent even for an era that loved The Untouchables and had seen some of Sam Peckinpaugh's early work
on The Rifleman and The Westerner. But what makes Clanton's
death more striking is that he is a major figure in the series, not some
rent-a-thug who is brought in for a single episode for the express purpose of
being cannon fodder. Major characters simply did not get killed off in early
1960s TV dramas, which is yet another reason why the final season of Wyatt Earp seems more akin to The Sopranos than it does to its
The next two episodes depict the ratcheting of tensions
between the Clantons, Brocious and Ringo, and Earp, which will lead to the
great gunfight. In "Wyatt's Brothers Join Up" (June 6, 1961), we see
Clum secretly convince Earp's brothers to leave Prescott to come to his aid,
but before they get to Tombstone, Holliday intercepts them and cajoles them into
a conspiracy to kidnap corrupt sheriff Johnny Behan and hold him in a remote
location in order to stoke animosity between the Clantons and Brocious and
Ringo, each of whom considers Behan an essential ally due to his connections to
the Tucson political machine. Holliday's plan is to incite the rival outlaw
factions to kill each other off, but eventually Wyatt uncovers Holliday's
conspiracy and releases Behan even though doing so allows one of his principal
enemies to still work against him. Wyatt is the ultimate by-the-book lawman,
and kidnapping another law officer is illegal, no matter how villainous that
law officer may be. In "Just Before the Battle" (June 13, 1961) we
are shown how a stage robbery perpetrated by Brocious and Ringo sets the stage
for the gunfight because it raises the ire of Ike Clanton that the two gunmen
who had previously worked for his father have cut him and his other two
brothers out of the take from the robbery. Feeling that he has been
disrespected and his authority challenged, Ike is willing to sell out Brocious
and Ringo to Wyatt and pick up some reward money in the bargain. But Ringo
figures out that someone must have tipped Wyatt off when he almost catches the robbers at their camp outside town, and Ringo's suspicions are confirmed when a
telegraph boy working for him tells him he saw Holliday and Ike talking at the
Alhambra saloon. Ringo then jokingly tells the McLowerys that he heard that Ike
had ratted out the robbers to Earp, and despite his denials, Ike is given the
assignment to kill Wyatt in order to prove that he isn't in cahoots with him.
Since he also believes that Wyatt must have been the one to tell Ringo about
his perfidy, Ike has even more incentive to carry out Frank McLowery's
ultimatum. Being a coward, he has to get liquored up in Tombstone that
evening to shout out to Earp as he rides into town that he is going to kill him
The footage of Ike threatening Wyatt at the end of
"Just Before the Battle" is replayed at the beginning of
"Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" (June 20, 1961), a technique usually
only reserved for 2-part episodes given the same title. But the technique is
used again to stitch together the last two episodes--"Gunfight at the O.K.
Corral" and the series finale "The Outlaws Cry Murder" (June 27,
1961) where a scene in the Earp brothers' hotel room in which Wyatt asks
Holliday to go across the street to negotiate with Brocious and Ringo is
replayed. These replays have the same effect as the technique employed by many
story-arc-driven series today in which each successive episode begins with a
"Previously on [insert series name here]" followed by a montage of
short clips that set up the narrative about to unfold in this week's episode. But
that type of linkage was virtually unheard of in 1961, except for the
aforementioned 2-part episodes that were treated as long self-contained
stories. The last two episodes of Wyatt
Earp remain true to history in the characters killed during the great
30-second gunfight and in the Earps and Holliday being charged with murder
despite, in this telling, acting in self-defense. But the series does not tie
things up neatly at the end of the final episode--the Earps and Holliday still
face charges, though they have managed to avoid spending the weekend in jail or
being sent to Tucson as the result of a change of venue request orchestrated by
Behan, and have therefore avoided being bushwhacked, as Behan intends, while in
custody. The final episode ends with Wyatt telling his compatriots that they
are not out of the woods yet, but that he would tell any inquiring newspaper
reporter that he ain't dead yet. Wyatt himself would live many more years,
though far away from Arizona; his brother Morgan would not be so lucky. But the
series producers decided to end the story on a high note--the victory at the
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. What would come afterward would be harder to
render in such a positive light.
The complete series has been released on DVD by SFM Entertainment. It is also still in rotation on the Encore Westerns cable
The Actors
For the biographies of Hugh O'Brian, Morgan Woodward,
Douglas Fowley, Trevor Bardette, Stacy Harris, James Seay, Damian O'Flynn,
Carol Thurston, Steve Rowland, William Phipps, Steve Brodie, Steve Pendleton,
Rayford Barnes, Ralph Reed, John Anderson, Ray Boyle, and William Mims, see the
1960 post on The Life and Legend of Wyatt
George Wallace
George Dewey Wallace was
born in New York City on June 8, 1917, the great-great grandson of
legendary U.S. Navy Admiral George Dewey, after whom he was named. When he was
13,his family moved to West Virginia, and Wallace worked in the coal mines
there while still a teenager. He joined the Navy in 1936, was discharged in
1940, but rejoined during World War II, serving a total of 8 years, after which
he worked a number of odd jobs from meat packer to lumberjack until he was
spotted as a singing bartender in a Hollywood bar by gossip columnist Jimmy
Fidler. After Fidler made some introductions into the film business, Wallace
began attending drama school at night and working as a groundskeeper at MGM. He
finally made his movie debut in 1950 in an uncredited part in The Sun Sets at Dawn and had his first
credited part a year later in Submarine
Command. But his big break came in 1952 when he was cast in the leading
role as Commando Cody in the science fiction serial Radar Men From the Moon. He also broke into television that same
year, appearing in episodes of Hopalong
Cassidy, Dangerous Assignment,
and Chevron Theatre. He would work
steadily for the rest of his life. While acting in a supporting role in Forbidden Planet in 1955, he was
introduced to the great composer Richard Rodgers by Walter Pidgeon and soon
would add theatre work to his resume, debuting opposite opera soprano Helen
Traubel in the 1955 production of Rodger and Hammerstein's Pipe Dream that same year. In 1957 he was nominated for a New York
Drama Critics Circle Award for his work in New
Girl in Town playing opposite Gwen Verdon. He was chosen to replace John
Raitt in the Broadway production of The
Pajama Game and starred with Mary Martin in the 1963 box office flop Jennie in 1963.
He appeared four times as Frank McLowery on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp in
1961 but did not land a recurring role until being cast as Dr. Leo Gault on the
daytime soap The Edge of Night in
1980. After four appearances as Judge Milton Cole on Hill Street Blues in 1983 and three turns as Arthur Nicholls on The Young and the Restless in 1986, he
finally landed another recurring role as Grandpa Hank Hammersmith on Sons and Daughters in 1991. But he also
continued to get dozens of guest spots on a variety of programs as well as
occasional feature film parts such as in Postcards
From the Edge. His last credits were episodes of The King of Queens in
2003 and Joan of Arcadia in 2004, but
in the latter year he suffered a fall while vacationing in Pisa, Italy and died
from complications after returning home on July 22, 2005 at the age of 88.
Gregg Palmer
Born Palmer Lee on January 25, 1927 in San Francisco, both
of Palmer's parents had emigrated from Norway. He joined the U.S. Army Air
Corps during World War II, serving as a cryptographer, and was discharged in
1946, after which he worked as a radio DJ, bouncer, truck driver, and
construction worker. His deep voice reading the news on radio led to his first
film role as an uncredited ambulance attendant in the Martin & Lewis comedy
My Friend Irma Goes West in 1950. In
1951 he was signed to a 5-year contract with Universal and was billed under his
birth name until 1954 when he appeared in Taza,
Son of Cochise, Playgirl, and Magnificent Obsession. His work in TV
began the same year with a guest appearance on The Lone Ranger. He auditioned for a TV version of Li'l Abner opposite Marilyn Monroe as
Daisey Mae, but neither actor got the part. But Palmer's work continued to be
steady and voluminous, particularly in western TV series such as The Restless Gun, 26 Men, and Gunsmoke, on
which he guest starred 21 times between 1958 and 1975. He also appeared in 18
episodes of Death Valley Days between
1956 and 1969.
His four appearances as Tom McLowery on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp came the same year he appeared in
the first of six John Wayne movies, The
Comancheros. Though he never landed a recurring role lasting more than 4
episodes, he logged some 166 credits in a career spanning until 1982, at which
point he retired from acting after a painful knee injury while working on The Blue and the Gray mini-series and
settled in Encino, California to play golf and make appearances for charitable
causes. He died October 31, 2015 at age 88.
Notable Guest Stars

Season 6, Episode 17, "Old
Slanders": Tyler McVey (Gen. Maj. Norgath on Men Into Space) plays a corrupt Tuscon politician. Charles Watts (Judge
Harvey Blandon on Bachelor Father)
plays newspaper publisher Dameron. Anne Bellamy (Aunt Polly on The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
plays saloon girl Audrey Johnson.

Season 6, Episode 19, "Johnny
Behan Falls in Love": Andy Albin (Andy Gosden on Julia) plays Clanton man Limpy Davis.

Season 6, Episode 23, "The
Good Mule and the Bad Mule": Stephen Wootton (Soapie Weaver on This Is Alice) plays young liar Ollie
Burton. Clancy Cooper (see the biography section for the 1960 post on Lawman) plays mine foreman Morgan.
Norman Leavitt (Ralph on Trackdown)
plays livery man Phillips. Hal Needham (Hollywood's highest-paid stuntman who
invented numerous stunt devices, was a double for Richard Boone and Burt
Reynolds, and directed Smokey and the
Bandit, Hooper, and Cannonball Run) plays one of Dameron's

Season 6, Episode 25, "Wyatt
Takes the Primrose Path": William Thourlby (the original Marlboro man, a
friend of Jim Thorpe, and author of the best-selling book Passport to Power) plays Apache chief Nachez. X Brands (Pahoo-Ke-Ta-Wah
on Yancy Derringer) plays one of his

Season 6, Episode 31, "A Papa
for Butch and Ginger": Dorothy Green (Lavinia Tate on Tammy) plays traveling widow Amy Byfield. Kevin Brodie (son of
Steve Brodie, wrote and directed A Dog of
Flanders) plays her young son Butch. Debbie Megowan (Dorine Peters on My Three Sons) plays her young daughter

Season 6, Episode 34, "Wyatt's
Brothers Join Up": Adele Mara (wife of Maverick producer Roy Huggins who appeared in Wake
of the Red Witch, Sands of Iwo Jima,
and The Big Circus) plays Behan's
love interest Thelma Callum.

Season 6, Episode 36, "Gunfight
at the O.K. Corral": Terry Frost (Sgt. Moore/Morse/Morris on Highway Patrol) plays messenger Coleman.
Interesting on the long story arc, I was thinking that the first show to do it was the Beverly Hillbillies, which often did long, 4-5 episode story lines with no breaks, but that didn't start until a year later.
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