Calendar year 1961 would prove a momentous one for the
animated moose and squirrel cartoon as NBC, in an attempt to cash in on the
sudden popularity of cartoons aimed at both adults and children due to the
success of The Flintstones, renamed
the program The Bullwinkle Show for
its third season and moved it to prime-time on Sunday evenings in the fall of

Crass commercialism was a favorite target of Jay Ward and
Bill Scott and would continue to be exposed in future episodes, such as the
next story arc "Buried Treasure" in which a newspaper editor tries to
rescue flagging sales of his paper by holding a buried treasure contest. The
buried treasure is $1 million in worthless Confederate money and the grand
prize is a nearly worthless 1910 Stearns-Wright automobile, but by placing
clues about the treasure's location in each day's edition of the newspaper, publisher
Colonel McCornpone is able to spur sales of his paper while also turning the
town into a field of pot holes where readers have dug to try to find the buried
money. The distraction from the contest also makes it easy for Boris and his
gang to dig a tunnel into the bank and empty the vault. After a series of
misadventures in which Rocky and Bullwinkle get, then lose, then recapture the
stolen real money, they also discover the hidden Confederate money, thereby winning
the contest but are unable to drive their new automobile on the streets because
there are too many pot holes, so Rocky resorts to creating a faux landscape to
roll past Bullwinkle seated at the wheel of their car, up on blocks, so that he
can simulate the enjoyment of driving his grand prize. Ward and Scott satirize
not only the unintended side effects of shameless promotional stunts but also
suggest the prizes offered aren't really worth anything.

The final story arc of Season 2 is "The Wailing
Whale," a spin on Melville's Moby
Dick in which the giant ship-eating whale is named Maybe Dick, and a
criticism of both comic books and immoral capitalism. The story begins with
Bullwinkle telling Rocky that the comic book story he has just read about the
giant whale Maybe Dick is thrilling, but Rocky tells him it's just a made up
story, only it turns out that there really is a Maybe Dick who eats large ocean
vessels and thereby sends the entire shipping and cruise ship industries into a
tailspin. Enter shipping mogul Pericles Parnassus, clearly based on real-life
shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, who actually owned a whaling business based
in Peru from 1950-56 which he was forced to sell after an expose showed that
his whaling ships were killing mostly infant whales rather than adults. This
sort of ruthless pursuit of profit is depicted in the Parnassus character, who
confabs with his shipping colleagues and comes up with a promotional stunt to
save their business--hold a contest offering a free boat and fishing equipment
for anyone willing to go capture Maybe Dick. No one but Bullwinkle would think
that they could capture a whale that large with a fishing rod, but Parnassus
has also stuffed the boat's cargo hold with dynamite, fully expecting that
Maybe Dick will swallow the boat, which will then explode and kill Maybe Dick,
and, of course, whoever is helming the boat, meaning Rocky and Bullwinkle. But
once aboard the ship, the heroes discover another person at the controls, Capt.
"Wrong Way" Peachfuzz, whose knack for doing the exact opposite of
what he should actually do saves them and sends the dynamite-laden ship back to
port to blow up Parnassus and his cronies.
At two points during this part of
the story, Ward & Scott take aim at their bread and butter, the TV
industry, first by having one of the shipping executives so despondent at the
decline of his business that he considers another career as a TV producer. When
one of his colleagues says, "I thought we all agreed to commit
suicide," the first shipping executive replies, "It amounts to the
same thing." And when news reaches TV audiences around the world that
Rocky and Bullwinkle have disappeared after being swallowed by Maybe Dick,
audiences around the world are upset, but an American TV viewer says "So
what?' but then cries uncontrollably when he hears that the Giants lost again.
The story then takes a turn away from its original premise once Rocky and
Bullwinkle, along with Peachfuzz, are swallowed by Maybe Dick. They run into
Boris and Natasha, trying to commandeer all the booty from the ships Maybe Dick
has swallowed, and after they exit the giant fish they discover an underwater
community called Submerbia, but neither of these plot excursions offer the
biting satire of the story's initial narrative.
Equally sarcastic are several of the "Bullwinkle's
Corner" shorts included between the main story arcs, which focus again on
promotional stunts. In one Bullwinkle's fan club does not have enough members
to field a softball team, so he turns to a promoter, Boris as publicity agent
Moranski, to raise his membership. Moranski has Bullwinkle perform a number of
physically painful stunts but the subsequent write-ups in the newspaper always
mention Moranski and not Bullwinkle, leading to a huge growth in memberhips for
the Moranski fan club, not Bullwinkle's. In another short Boris objects to a
clause in the Bullwinkle fan club oath that requires members to pledge to be
trustworthy and exhibit other noble traits. Boris says this goes against his
principles, so he forms his own fan club and runs a series of TV ads recruiting
members by offering them an outlet for their unsavory personality traits. The
fan club's membership grows quickly, but Natasha wonders if they can trust such
sketchy characters. Boris tells her not to worry because they are just
"our kind of people," a rationale that should be familiar in certain
contemporary political circles.
When it debuted in prime-time on September 24, 1961, The Bullwinkle Show opened to fairly
positive reviews from the newspaper critics across the country and even into
Canada, though an introductory Bullwinkle puppet sketch by Bill Scott was
jettisoned when it raised complaints for telling children to do things like
remove the control knob from their TV set so that it would always be set to the
channel on which the program appeared or emptying their parents' wallets and
sending the money to Bullwinkle (these puppet segments are not included in the
DVD release). Even TV Guide's
hard-to-please critic Gilbert Seldes remarked in the December 30, 1961 issue
that of all the cartoons then flooding the airwaves Bullwinkle appeared to be
"of the sturdier contestants. It has one advantage: Each of the shows I've
seen has been divided into two or three short takes, so that the grim job of
being funny on a single topic over a long stretch of time is avoided." But
while the critics may have approved, the viewing public, particularly the
family unit, refused to give up its long-standing devotion to Lassie, which was airing in the same
time slot.
Season 3 had four total story arcs over 33 episodes, with
two of those story arcs appearing in episodes that aired in 1961. While some
sources, such as, list the first episodes for Season 3 as "The
Three Mooseketeers" story arc, Keith Scott's book The Moose That Roared and 1961 issues of TV Guide show that "Missouri Mish Mash" was the first
story arc to air, beginning on September 24, and it was followed by "Lazy
Jay Ranch," which ran into February 1962. "Missouri Mish Mash"
is one of the longer story arcs with 26 installments over 13 episodes and is
notable for introducing the character of Fearless Leader, Boris and Natasha's
boss in the mythical country of Pottsylvania. Though I have yet to find any
record of Ward & Scott being asked to tone down the anti-Soviet message of
having the arch-villain Boris and his sidekick Natasha sport obviously Russian
stereotypical names and accents, June Foray commented in an interview included
on the Season 2 DVD release that when she was assigned to do the voice of
Natasha, she was told to do a continental European accent rather than one
strictly identifiable as Russian because they did not want to offend their Cold
War antagonist. Foray's remark suggests she was given this instruction from the
very start, but the addition of the obviously Nazi-derived Fearless Leader can
be seen as an attempt to lessen the show's anti-Soviet bias because now a Nazi
is calling the shots, and everyone agrees that Nazis are bad, right?
"Missouri Mish Mash" is also notable because it
caused another controversy with a then-popular TV star, Durward Kirby, then
appearing on The Garry Moore Show and
Candid Camera. The story arc has
Bullwinkle hoodwinked into traveling to Peaceful Valley, Missouri to attend a
moose convention when he is actually being recruited to find the elusive
Kirward Derby, a hat that makes its wearer the smartest person on earth and an
obvious plum for someone hoping to rule the world, like Fearless Leader. As
Keith Scott notes in his book, Kirby was not amused by the play on his name and
had his lawyers issue a Cease and Desist letter, but Ward & company knew
that the challenge would not hold up legally and actually encouraged Kirby to
sue, figuring that there was no such things as bad publicity, particularly for
a program that was being beaten in the ratings by Lassie. Eventually Kirby and his team dropped the request.
Though much of the story arc is spent on Rocky and
Bullwinkle getting swept up in a long-running Peaceful Valley feud between the
Hatfuls and the Floys and then the pursuit of, theft of, and recapture of the
Kirward Derby, which we eventually learn belongs to the moon men Cloyd and
Gidney, the last few installments also take a few shots at Washington as Rocky
figures that the easiest way to get there--to turn over the derby to government
officials--is to run for Congress. He is successful because he promises the Hatfuls and the Floys the same thing--to rid
their town of their rivals, a shot at politicians who will contradict
themselves and say whatever it takes to get themselves elected. Once Rocky
arrives at his new office in D.C. a passerby remarks to his friend that you
don't see a squirrel in Congress every day, while the friend remarks that it
was bound to happen with all the nuts already in office.
The next story arc, "Lazy Jay Ranch," which
debuted on December 24, 1961, began by poking fun at the current craze for TV
westerns, which Bullwinkle is so smitten by that he winds up shooting his
television set (perhaps this is where Elvis Presley got the idea) in trying to
outdraw his television hero and is forced to resort to that most boring of
past-times, reading. But of course his reading material consists of pulp
magazines and an occasional newspaper where he notices an ad for a ranch for
sale in Wyoming at the bargain basement price of $28. Soon he and Rocky are on
their way out west but discover when they finally make it to the ranch that the
only livestock being raised there are worms. They soon run into Boris and
Natasha, who believe the ranch is laced with rocks containing precious gems,
and Bullwinkle gets a chance to shout the Rawhide
slogan "Head 'em up, move 'em out" while driving the worms to a
fishing village where he and Rocky hope to sell them as bait. However, though the
plot then veers in several zany directions, it consists of the typical failed
attempts by Boris to ruin or kill Bullwinkle and Rocky and culminates with an
attempted bank robbery. The story also has some continuity issues when
Bullwinkle and Rocky are driving an armored car across the bottom of a lake.
Not realizing that he is driving on the lake bed completely submerged,
Bullwinkle at first feels stuffy and is about to crack the window in "The
Bush Pusher" (February 4, 1962), but when the story is picked up in the
next installment, "Underwater Trap" (February 11, 1962), he
supposedly sees a left turn sign and plans to roll down the window to signal.
Likewise, in this installment they are carrying a sack full of money they made
from selling bait at the fishing village, but in the next installment the money
is in a box when Rocky is shot out of the cannon mounted on the armored car's
turret. These small mistakes don't really compromise the story as a whole, but
it still isn't one of the best plots in the series, relying too often on
overused situations.
However, the Mr. Know-It-All segment about being an
effective member of the Peace Corps, included in the DVD episode with
"Buzzard Bait," mercilessly ridicules advanced nations' attempts to
help the disadvantaged. Bullwinkle tries to placate the natives with trinkets
only to discover that they have very advanced machinery that deems the trinkets
worthless. He then attempts to make improvements to their machine but only
ruins it. And finally, when he tries to work hand in hand with the native,
Boris, he discovers that they are making a rocket so that the native can send
him back to his own country. In short, Americans' attempts to improve the lives
of third-world countries are not appreciated and frequently make things worse.
Another Mr. Know-It-All segment targets the hit-making
record industry, a foil often spoofed by musical artists themselves.
Bullwinkle's attempts to make his recording a hit fail because he cannot win
over famous DJ Disc Dawson, played by Boris, of course. Even his "Payola
Kit" consisting of a dog that listens to a gramophone backfires when
Dawson sics the dog on Bullwinkle. Though radio DJs figure less prominently in
determining what becomes a hit today, there still is a rigged system that often
elevates mediocre music to the top by sheer brute force.
It's remarkable that Bullwinkle and Rocky remained on the
air for five seasons given how subversive much of the content was, but there is
no mistaking that their legacy paved the way for contemporary shows such as The Simpsons and South Park that enjoy the freedom to mock anything and everything.
The music for the 1961 episodes Rocky and Friends and The
Bullwinkle Show is credited to Fred Steiner, who was profiled in the 1961
post for Perry Mason.
The DVD releases for Rocky
and His Friends and The Bullwinkle
Show are obviously syndicated versions bearing a copyright date of 1997. At
one point when the series went into syndication it was whittled down to a
15-minute show. The episodes on the DVDs each run about 22.5 minutes rather
than the typical 25 minutes for shows of that era. Also, an examination of 1961
TV Guide listings shows that many
shows contain both a Peabody segment and a Dudley Do-Right segment in the same
show, whereas the DVD versions only contain one or the other. Furthermore, the
intermediate shorts--Fractured Fairy Tales or Aesop & Son, Peabody, and
Dudley Do-Right do not match the ones on the DVDs. So it appears that at some
point the Bullwinkle and Rocky installments were stripped of their original
intermediate shorts and then recombined in a different order for the DVD
The Actors
For the biographies of Bill Scott, June Foray, Paul Frees,
Daws Butler, Walter Tetley, Hans Conried, William Conrad, Edward Everett
Horton, and Charlie Ruggles, see the 1960 post on Rocky and His Friends.
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